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The Answer's In The Stars...or Not



So I was paging through MSN.com last night, and saw an article about the Scorpio (my astrological sign). I started reading it, and it seemed to be going well...


Sincerity and truth are strong components of the Scorpion's friends. It can take some time before really close bonds are formed, but once done, the Scorpion will remain dedicated and loyal. Witty and intellectual, they prefer companions who are humorous and easygoing. Full of surprises, this sign will give you the shirt off their backs if that's what you need; yet, once they are crossed, there's no turning back. They feel deeply, and once hurt, it can be impossible to turn things around. Commitment to family is strong and consistent with the Scorpion. They are exceptionally helpful in managing affairs, and they are excellent advocates when one is needed

That describes me pretty well. I stay loyal to my friends, but if you burn me I sometimes take it too personally. And as you've sometimes seen here I can be quite vocal in my defense of a certain point of view...or a voice for those that sometimes feel like they've been wronged.


Things get a bit hazy though once it starts talking about money...


Disciplined enough to stick to a budget and unafraid of working as hard and as long as it takes puts the Scorpion in a good financial position. Many are fortunate and inherit money. Whatever the case - and regardless of the balance - they are great managers of their dollars and are not apt to overspend at all. Money means security and a sense of control, which is important to the Scorpion. Therefore, they're going to hang onto the majority of the cash, making decisions carefully before turning any of it over.

I have a tight budget, which I track constantly. However, I sometimes splurge and buy things even when the voice in the back of my head says I shouldn't. Major purchases (video games, large toys, electroncis) tend to give me pause and lead me to agonize for a few days prior to making a decision. It's during this period where if I happen upon the same situation, I may cave and make the purchase against my better judgement. I never suffer buyer's remorse...but I sometimes get disappointed in myself for not having a better resolve.


It's when we get into the "quick notes" that I start to question this article however.


The colors of choice for Scorpio are dark red to maroon.

Actually I quite rather prefer blue. I liked red for a short time when I was a kid, but since about junior high it's been blue. My car's blue, my jacket's blue, it's all blue. Red's too flashy. I like the laid back feel of blue.


Then there's this gem...


The ruling planet for Scorpio is Pluto. Traditionally, this planet rules that which is hidden from view.

Wait...wait. Go back there for a sec. My ruling planet is Pluto? This article was posted on Monday (two days ago). If you need a refresher, here's a piece of news from more than a year ago.. Yeah, my ruling planet's apparently been on hiatus for the past year. No wonder things are a little outta whack right now.


So I guess until either Pluto becomes a planet again, or they decide to hire on a replacement, I'm a Scorpio adrift. Wonder if Jupiter's got any openings...


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I think I'm Scorpio too... so they got rid of our planet! They obviously weren't thinking of the impact this would all have on astrology when they demoted Pluto, now where they? :blink:



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I want my planet back. :angry:


Anyway, I don't really like our stone/gem. I like the rich blue sapphire more than ours. Speaking of blue, I'm in near perfect unison with you as far as personality goes (including the Blue>Red).


Of course these always are kind of dumb (funny, but still dumb [the horoscopes/ horoscope-esque things]).

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Anyway, I don't really like our stone/gem. I like the rich blue sapphire more than ours. Speaking of blue, I'm in near perfect unison with you as far as personality goes (including the Blue>Red).

The stone at least sorta makes sense...


From Wikipedia:

Opal ranges from clear through white, gray, red, yellow, green, shore, blue, magenta, brown, and black. Of these hues, red and black are the most rare and dear, whereas white and green are the most common...

So in it's most precious form, Opals are Red. So it matches.


It's funny, because the November birth stone is a Topaz. So I don't get to have blue regardless of how I roll with my birthday.

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