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Somebody on our bus smokes. It's the most annoying thing. Well, for starters, it's ILLEGAL, and it's just... ugh.


I mean, it's disgusting. EVERYONE on the bus smells it, and it's obvious, and... geez...


I'm one of those people who's absurdly paranoid about secondhand smoke, too. I hold my breath when I walk past people smoking outside stores. And it really sucks when it's freezing outside but we have to open all the windows on the bus to vent out the smoke.


I just hate people like that. Does not make for a fun start/end of the school day... >>




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I'd be tolerant to people smoking, because a lot of people at school smokes, but I get some sort of an asthma attack when I inhale the smoke, and, in worse cases, puke.

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Ugh. Secondhand smoke gives me headaches for some reason... Even when I'm around a smoker who's not actively smoking, it can still set me off.



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Ugh I hate smokers too both my parents smoke (my dad quit for 12 years after I was born but then got addicted again) and my cousin and the only thing that makes it tolerable for me is that they're family.



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The problem is, we're in high school, so it's not like if they switched to a cleaner cigarette it would make it any less illegal (though that does sound like a great way to quit for smokers OF LEGAL AGE), and all the people who would know who's doing it are the people who wouldn't tell. It's really annoying that way. >< I mean, I haven't a clue who's doing it.

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Gah smoking is the worst possible thing on this planet! (For me)

I can't believe people think it's cool.



That’s how my grandpa died (before I could even know him)


it's foolish and wrong and it hurts the people around you not only yourself





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I'm putting myself in his position. I would not have done something illegal in the first place. If it's so tough to quit smoking, then why start in the first place, and furthermore, why start BEFORE YOU'RE OLD ENOUGH?


And of course, once again, no idea who it is, and I wasn't the only one complaining. Most of the bus was going "Augh, who's smoking?" and of course the people who do know who's doing it are covering up for each other. So it's not like they don't realize the bus objects to it (the bus driver even smelled it, and said whoever was doing it should stop), they're just doing it anyway.

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I hate to play devils advocate but its illegal to sell cigarettes to someone under 18. It is infact not illegal for someone under 18 to smoke.


But yeah its illegal to do it in a public place (at least in new york)

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Also illegal to do it on public school property (which includes the bus) and I'm really unclear about whether it's illegal just to sell and not to actually smoke while underage (I've read that there's a "smoking age," doesn't that basically mean the same thing as "drinking age"?). Wouldn't that kind of defeat the purpose? Otherwise you'd see kids smoking everywhere, with older friends buying for them.



Age 16 a person can legally smoke. Age 18 for states to be eligible for federal grants. No retailer may sell cigarettes or smokeless tobacco to any person younger than 18 years of age; for individuals under 27 years of age, retailers shall verify age by means of photographic identification. In addition, the tobacco purchase age has been raised to 19 in Alabama, Alaska, New Jersey, Utah, and Nassau, Suffolk, and Onondaga counties in New York.

NJ is probably 18, but I don't know. States tend to try to pander to the federal regulations. It's all money, you know. Either way, my point still stands: the bus is school property, however you look at it.

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Seriously, I'm exactly the same when it comes to smoke. I didn't think anyone else held their breath when walking by a smoker. I personally think that smoking should be banned altogether and if it's in a public place, and the people arer underage, then you should report it to Law enforcement. Heh, just do what my teacher said: "Call the local government everday untill they take action, because if they get annoyed, they'll do somthing. It helps if you can get other people to help."



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I can't believe it either.


Just hand him an unmarked pack of gum (which is actually gum to stop people from smoking) and tell him that it'll make him feel better.

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