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No Rest I Say!



Let's see... important things right now are all work in some way, shape, or form. Even BZP, and well, tomorrow I'm off, so I can actually catch up on a few BZP related activities.


I was planning to get a few things done today and tonight, luckily for me I had places to be in the morning and I had to stay two hours more than I was scheduled today. So, tomorrow is being devoted to my time off. So I'll be here tomorrow to answer some PMs and all that jazz. Of course some of my time will be devoted to Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings. I was really glad to actually find it today at a Best Buy. It was the last copy too.


Almost was able to go to a TRU today, that didn't happen. It's not like I really need to have the new sets right away. I can be patient. I want to get sets for this year first.


I've got a few Nintendo related entries I have planned so expect to see at least one of them up as early as tomorrow.




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