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New Bionicle Year

Lady Kopaka


Decided to make a entry other than life and art, I need to talk more about Bionicle. This is a Bionicle forum afterall! DX


I haven't got BL8 yet *stares at Omi*, but so far from what I've seen and from the new Bionicle.com, it looks really exciting, I love the whole 'air' theme.


Though there is one problem.


I can deal with sets I don't like; sure it'll get me cranky (Kopaka...;;) but I can deal and always change how I view them or just draw them up how I see fit. Storyline on the other hand, I can't change that. And I'm really worried how things are going to turn out since this is a tense moment.


So, still loving Bionicle, I'm just really edgy right now. Oo;


Your thoughts?


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After reading up on the storyline today in BSO1, I actually found it to be quite epic and interesting. The sets on the other hand, I have a few problems with, such as Kopaka and Pohatu (T.T). The matoran and Makuta, surprisingly, are quite good, with Chirox being my favorite story wise and set wise. I'm wondering how the whole blindness thing among the Makuta will come into play throughout the story though.


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Personally, I think that this is shaping up to be one of the best years of Bionicle. I think that the sets look awesome, but it's always been the storyline that's been important to me, and as I get older, the importance of the sets to me dwindles. But they're exploring TWO new places this year, so that's interesting. And the BoM is the main villain group this year. And especially with Solek, we'll probably learn some of the Nuva's history, plus flashbacks. There are a BUNCH of mysteries going to be solved this year, plus a full year's worth of web serials to feature the side characters. Even though Bionicle Legends#10 actually leads into the Takanuva web serial. :blink: And there's going to be a big final battle scene, with the return of bunches of characters. And also more Krakua! That will be most interesting. So, yes, I think that I shall like this year. I think that I shall like it very much.

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Eh. If it doesn't have Krahka, it won't be a good year.

2006 made it just barely into a neutral from dislike because she was mentioned and actually had a line. A WHOLE LINE. I actually almost screamed.

But yeah. Not really lookin' forward to this year much at all. :\


Edit: Well, I kind of gave a muffled "OHMYGOSHISTHISADREAMPINCHME" sort of scream...


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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Set-wise: All the sets are revampable and fixable, but straight from the store, the majority fail


Story-wise: Other than a few cheap stuff just thrown in because they could (the whole piggy-back ride stuff), it looks like a fairly good year (better than 07 and 05 at least)

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Set-wise: All the sets are revampable and fixable, but straight from the store, the majority fail


Story-wise: Other than a few cheap stuff just thrown in because they could (the whole piggy-back ride stuff), it looks like a fairly good year (better than 07 and 05 at least)

Besides the inclusion of Roodaka in 05 I agreee here. Kopaka made me cry for a while, but the rest of the sets look pretty god/great

I just can't wait for the "Rag-Tag team of ex-villains" story serials this year.

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Meh, I liked the Nuva revamps(Except Pohatu's orange-ness and the red piece in Kopaka's mask,), but I'm still wondering where the Tahu, Onua and Gali revamps are.


As for the story, on the back of the last issue, methinks it said something about 08' being the final saga, so I have a feeling we can expect a lot of tension.

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Woah, so negative! Sometimes I feel like the only one left from 2001 that can't wait for the new stuff...


Anyway, I don't see what the problem is with the Nuva. story-wise. I figured you'd be happy, LK, since Bionicle.com said that Kopaka has changed the least.

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I got Bionicle Legends#8! *glows* ^_^


But I am a little uneasy about what might happon next. I havn't seen any new bionicles up her on the northern boarder nor the books...


Set wise... I have yet to decide


Lady Ranna

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I think that the sets look awesome, but it's always been the storyline that's been important to me, and as I get older, the importance of the sets to me dwindles.

That’s the exact deal with me even if I like sets or not, I focus the most on the storyline and most of my money to be able to get the books. Bionicle storyline is winner. =D


Edit: Well, I kind of gave a muffled "OHMYGOSHISTHISADREAMPINCHME" sort of scream...



Kopaka still needs wing redesign.

I agree. ;-;


Set-wise: All the sets are revampable and fixable, but straight from the store, the majority fail
I kind of agree and kind of don’t; the sets this year are easy for me to draw and revamp out I like; but I kind of like them even when you get the straight from the store. The Toa are pretty sweet IMO, just not how I’d picture the new Toa looks so it’s a character clash.


Story-wise: Other than a few cheap stuff just thrown in because they could (the whole piggy-back ride stuff)

That piggy back stuff…is kind of odd. Oo;


I just can't wait for the "Rag-Tag team of ex-villains" story serials this year.

You mean Brutaka and co.? YES!



Meh, I liked the Nuva revamps(Except Pohatu's orange-ness and the red piece in Kopaka's mask,), but I'm still wondering where the Tahu, Onua and Gali revamps are.
I really in truth like Kopaka, but seriously it looked like someone stabbed some twizler in his eye. And Pohatu doesn’t look that great in orange, or that color of orange at least…I hope they don’t do anything crazy with the other Nuva.


Woah, so negative! Sometimes I feel like the only one left from 2001 that can't wait for the new stuff...


Anyway, I don't see what the problem is with the Nuva. story-wise. I figured you'd be happy, LK, since Bionicle.com said that Kopaka has changed the least.

If I sounded negative in my post I didn’t really mean to. I see now I was kind of blunt and didn’t explain my feelings right. So far I like the sets for the most part except for stuff here and there that got me cranky. Kopaka looks ok except for his mask and wings….then again I don’t have the sets so my view could change once I get him. I LOVE the characters storyline wise no matter what and I’m always excited to see what comes, I’m just worried (but still excited) now.


Set wise... I have yet to decide

I should be like you. For the past years I used to hate the sets for a few months and then they’d finally grow on me, and that’s bound to happen again this year. :P




I really need to stay unbiased for a bit longer until I actually have a set and more info on the storyline. ><

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Oh, sorry, I was actually talking about the comments from other members being so negative.


But at least they give a legitimate reason for the Makuta giving Matoran rides -- since they're blind. But it brings up an interesting question.


Let's say Chirox, with Kirop on his back and seeing out of Kirop's eyes, is chasing Lewa and Tanma. Lewa is flying in the general direction of one of the stalactites a village is on. Kirop catches a movement out of the corner of his eye, only to find that it's Vamprah and Gavla. Well, once he turns his head, Chirox can no longer see where he's going. BAM into the stalactite. Definitely gives the Nuva quite the advantage, doesn't it? :P

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Kopaka still needs wing redesign.

I agree. ;-;

I love the airplane wings... not as cool in terms of function as Matau's, but at least these ones actually look like wings.


Set-wise: All the sets are revampable and fixable, but straight from the store, the majority fail
I kind of agree and kind of don’t; the sets this year are easy for me to draw and revamp out I like; but I kind of like them even when you get the straight from the store. The Toa are pretty sweet IMO, just not how I’d picture the new Toa looks so it’s a character clash.

Hmmm... I don't know why I feel so comfortable thinking of these sets as the Nuva, when everyone else doesn't... but then, everyone else started out with the misconceptions that Pohatu's mask looks like a Vahi or that Lewa's looks like a Faxon (Trust me, the original Kakama looked more like a Vahi than this does, and Lewa's mask scarcely resembles the Faxon outside of color and color organization).


Story-wise: Other than a few cheap stuff just thrown in because they could (the whole piggy-ba
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