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Bad News...



Jalina sat down and nearly broke down in tears. she had come home to find that her cat, violet, whom she had recued from the cold of winter, had to be put to sleep earlier that day. her freind had taken her to the vet at lunch time, and found that voilet had asthma, which had been caused by lukemia. had she not had lukemia, she might have been better. but as lukemia is contaigous, she had to be put down for the saftey of her and the other animals at the treehouse fortress. Jalina's brother, Kapurkar, had not taken the news as well as she had. he was still in his fort across the way, not answering to her calls.


Jalina did not feel as bad as one would normaly feel. violet had a good life, and was loved in her last days. thankfully. the other pets and animals did ont have the same symptoms as violet had, so they were probably ok. Jalina got up, put her favorite cd in. sat down at her computer, and began to write. writing made her feel better, and it relived some of the pain. unfortunatley, th towns, who ahd not kwon about the death, had jsut been told. tehy were not too happy. it was a sad day today, and Jalina began to sing a song, quietly and peacefuly.

you've got to walk, that lonesome vally.

you've got to walk, it by yourself.

nobody else, can walk it for you,

you've got to walk that lonesome valley by yourself.


Jalina hugged her kitty plusie closer, and finaly broke into tears. she could do anyting about violet except mourn her, and get over her loss, and know that violet was in a better place.


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I know how you feel. I had a cat that had to be put down a couple years ago. His name was Toby. He developed breathing problems because his lungs were gradually filling up with fluid. It was really hard for me because I knew him my whole life. :(
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Yeah, that was sad. I destroyed part of my chess set.

I really felt bad.

You've got to walk that lonesome valley,

Walk it by yourself,

You've got to walk that lonesome valley,

walk, it, by, yourself.

May Violet rest in peace.



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