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The Cot Contest... I Need Ideas/confermation

Kallista ~ Little light


Ok so there is this Awesome contest Kex in hosting here

And I totally want to enter.


And here I admit I am a hopeless romantic... I seriously can't help it -_-


So I have a bunch of ideas but not sure which one to go with.


I'm considering writing a bunch then having a friend or two screen them and tell me which to enter.

(Because I can't re-enter or edit my entry once it's posted)


So does anyone have some Suggestions or Ideas that they would like to share?


Or have some writing tips? It's been a while for me.


Lady Ranna




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While I am a hopeless romantic ( I blame my mother :P ) I have to agree with TPTI here.

However, too inspire you, a rose


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Like you and bio djinnie, I too am a hopeless romantic...


Ah, and what a beautiful rose. Wait a second... *gets idea* *hides idea from Ranna so she can't steal it*


And while TPTI is right and you probably don't need help, that doesn't mean you couldn't use some help anyway. Anyone who wants help deserves to get it. But you're still not getting that idea I just had. :P


Anyways, suggestions, hmm...

You could describe past loves and how they've helped you realize what it is you need/want in a relationship.

You could take the road less traveled and do one on non-romantic love.

Read through the whole list of literary techniques and see if there are any that inspire you. (That gives me a few more ideas... Better hide them too...)


Writing tips? I have one: remember, it's not rhyme that makes good poetry, but rythym.


Also, if you can catch me on YIM, I'll be happy to read through anything you have and give suggestions/C&C; I might have you do the same for me if I end up writing more than one...

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Guest kopakanuva13


I would like to help you, but I am uber sappy and I believe the one who needs help is me! Man, one attempt I wrote was so lame... It was in iambic pentameter :P

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I could write poems on a daily basis due to how my life is, Ranna. You're 18, right? I'm 16 and have faced near death so many times that I have conversations with the Grim Reaper. Heck, I might even a Bladder Infection right now, and the one thing I'm worried about is my knee and the pain.


Alright, before I make this go off topic, I'll give to advice.


Get in the mood of the poem you want to write. Music helps with this catagory, and after the song, you might receive an emotion different than expected. I finished listening to Ne-Yo's Because of You and then I suddenly wrote 'The One That Is Now Dead'.


Expericence not needed. Sure it helps, but the very thought of true love is enough to get a page worth of words.


Rhyme and Rythym. They were two brothers growing up in a small town, only they were homeless and had no one but each other. Their parents died from disease, and every pet they tried to have left when they had no more food to feed them.

As Rhyme walked down a path to river, he found a piece of papyrus being carried by the wind. He grabbed it as quickly as he could.


"Rythym! Come here!" He called, more excited then he could be.


"What is it, Rhyme?" Asked the curious brother.




The papyrus had scribbles on it, known as words. At the top was the name, 'Seuss'.


"Hmm," Went Rythym, pondering how he could fix these jumbbled-up words.


"Sound them out, don't they match?" implied Rhyme.


"Yes, they do. But no way do make sense if we put the matching words together."


"Maybe we could use sentences, with one matching word at the end."


"Good idea! Lets start!"


So they sat right there, repeating the sentences again and again until they finally memorized them.


I do not like them in a box.

I do not like them with a fox.

I do not like them in a boat.

I do not like them with a goat.

I do not like them here or there.

I do not like them anywhere.

I do not like green eggs and ham.

I do not like them, Sam-I-am.


Rhyme and Rythym were in Theodor Seuss Geisel's head. He wrote down the following to set an idea of his book. He was sure he'd publish it as a book for children, and win that 50 bucks Bennet Cerf said he would win if he could do it.


Its unknown if Seuss ever got it.



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I could write poems on a daily basis due to how my life is, Ranna. You're 18, right? I'm 16 and have faced near death so many times that I have conversations with the Grim Reaper. Heck, I might even a Bladder Infection right now, and the one thing I'm worried about is my knee and the pain.


She must be one lucky Girl,

No guy has done anything close to that for me... and I'm Older then you (as you pointed out).


thanks for the advice ^^


Lady Ranna

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