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Holy cow! That was some awesome Super Bowl XLII I may or may not have watched at this point; I still can't believe ______ won. Oh, no one will forget that particular play-- yeah, you know the one I mean. Also, remember that point in the ____ quarter when that player did that action? And can you believe that _____ penalty called against the _____ team by that referee? It makes me so mad! What's wrong with that referee!? On the other hand, I might be overreacting just a bit.


Then, of course, how could I forget that one part of the halftime show; it was unbelievable... I've still got chills. If only I could've been there in person, I might know how those people feel about that certain event; then again, some actions are better seen from far away.


I felt as though I had seen some of those commercials before, despite having seen them for the first time tonight. Seriously, that ____ commercial was so annoying, but that ______ one still makes me laugh every time I think about it. Ooh, that constant commercial for the show ______ has my attention and makes me want to view on ___day at that time; of course, I've never seen the show before, so I don't know how good it will be. Can anyone who has actually seen the show tell me if it's any good?


Well anyway, with the end of the Super Bowl, I have to let the excitement wear down so I can get some sleep before work tomorrow.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


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