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To All You Single People



Make the most of your singleness while you can, because chances are good it'll be gone within a few years.

Wow, I get deep when I stay up late. Comparatively, that is.

This time has been given to you for a purpose. Use it well.


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I think I lost my single-ness yesterday.


Oh no. I don't want to date in Middle School!


Nevermind, all singleness was regained a few minutes ago. :P


Heck, I don't even know anymore...

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Being single is not a good thing, it's a bad thing. Trust me, when you're in a relationship, your confidence for everything increases, you're in better moods, and you're a nicer person. You can tell if you interact with a person when they're single and when they get a relationship. They'll likely seem alot happier when they're in a relationship. Most of the groggy, mean people out there are either single, or having a bad relationship, or had their heart broken recently. If you're in a relationship, you'll be a better person. I have found myself doing great acts of kindness and being more helpful than usual, and less sarcastic when I'm in a relationship. The only way I snap is if someone gets me angry or messes with my girlfriend (messing with someone I love usually will end up with a bruise or two).

Usually single people fail classes because they are thinking of that special someone and wondering about him/her (depending on if you're a girl or a guy, repsectively), thinking about them, and it'll distract them. Sure, being in a relationship might make it seem like it'd distract you even more, but you'll be dating them then, and will have possibly less to think about, and you will be more confident and willing to work and pay attention.

I know someone who was one of the school's rudest girls untill she got a boyfriend, then she seemed alot happier and kinder.

You see what I mean? Being single IS bad. Being In a Relationship IS good.

So all you Singles out there, don't try to argue about if being single is good, you'll lose- It's not good. Plus, if you continue with that attitude, you won't get very far in life.

So get out there and find yourself a relationship- everyone can, someone, somehow.





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Most of the groggy, mean people out there are either single, or having a bad relationship, or had their heart broken recently.

That, or we're just nerds. :P


Usually single people fail classes because they are thinking of that special someone and wondering about him/her (depending on if you're a girl or a guy, repsectively), thinking about them, and it'll distract them.

The way to overcome this is to just have self-discipline. I've been single for my whole life, and I usually get great grades.


So all you Singles out there, don't try to argue about if being single is good, you'll lose- It's not good. Plus, if you continue with that attitude, you won't get very far in life.

Too late. :P


It's not as if I plan to be single forever, it's just that I don't see anyone who's really worthy of my love right now. That, and I think Middle School is too young for dating.

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Being single is not a good thing, it's a bad thing. Trust me, when you're in a relationship, your confidence for everything increases, you're in better moods, and you're a nicer person.




Actually, in my (short) experience...

My confidence has decreased. I worry a lot whether or not she really likes me or is just trying not to hurt my feelings.

I actually talk to her a lot less than I used to - I worry that she'll get tired of me. Irrational, I know, but my timid heart isn't listening to my brain.

All the added stress is making me grouchier.


On the other hand: it's fun to be able to say I have a girl. Or she has me, really... :P

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It's not as if I plan to be single forever, it's just that I don't see anyone who's really worthy of my love right now. That, and I think Middle School is too young for dating.
Same here.


And -KW-, I think you may be over-analyzing this. Being single isn't bad. But you're right in that having a genuine relationship with someone is something everyone needs.

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In my opinion, if someone needs to be in a relationship only to feel better about themselves, then something's awry. Being a nice, optimistic person regardless of whether you're in a relationship is certainly possible, as is the case with me and a few of my friends. I'm not saying romantic relationships are bad; they're quite necessary. But for everything there is a proper time...

Usually single people fail classes because they are thinking of that special someone and wondering about him/her (depending on if you're a girl or a guy, repsectively), thinking about them, and it'll distract them.

I'm sure your experience differs from mine, but I personally have never experienced this. Captain Nova Hunter's example demonstrates quite the opposite, in fact. Rather than merely wondering about the potential future spouse/lifemate/boy/girlfriend, one's attention to other things can be distracted by the relationship at a point when one might be better off focusing on studying, working, and/or maintaining other friendships.

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Usually single people fail classes because they are thinking of that special someone and wondering about him/her (depending on if you're a girl or a guy, respectively), thinking about them, and it'll distract them.

My...well, this girl I know has a 4.0 GPA, and people like to think I'm super-smart.


Though actually, I'm not sure we're considered totally single anymore. I don't think things were any different a few months ago school-wise anyway.

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