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Breaking Point!



All these MOCs and WIPs are really breaking me down!


I'm really fustrated with not being able to perfect Draxon, and my last WIP for CzaR's upcoming contest was fail!


I forgot how to put my Bahrag revamp back together, and must find a way to get a black slizer hand looking thing for my Bohrok revamp!


Also, I can't find Ballom's KK armor for his MOC prize, and I still must finish ER for the same prize in the contest... also, I told VTLT that I would MOC him...


Then, there is my 95% done Spinax revamp of which I can't find feet for.


I need to take a little MOCing break...


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When do you think you could post some WIP pics of me? The suspense is killing me. XD


I never knew you made a Bahrag revamp, weird. :blink:


I'm actaully having the opposite problem, I need to Moc more than I currently am. :(




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I've had this problem too, and I'm just getting out of it.

The way I got out of it was concentrate on one MOC at a time, and if ever you get an idea for a new one, don't act on it. You'll just end up with a million WIPs. Go slow and finish one MOC at a time... before you know it, you'll be done with everything.

But taking a break is a good idea.

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I take a break when what happens and on that break I just thimk about what to do and how to fix your WIPs. When you're ready just start one by one and you'll be complete!

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I've had the same problem many times before too, actually, right now. I'm currently working on two titans, and one M A S S I V E MoC(really, it's that big). Though, for some advice, go with what Bunda...Kardasnui3739 said.


~Toa Tikaro

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Stretching yourself thin really takes all the fun out of mocing and makes it more of a task, a smart man told me that once... and now I'm telling you.


And of course, breaks are awesome.

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I have, um, 4 MOCs to finish. I have a plan of how each one of them should be built, but the pieces required on some minor parts, I don't have. The only one I'm stuck with is my Bundalings concept in which I will unveil on Easter. I can't make a good head, for some reason without it look creepy. Also trying to find a way to add whiskers. And there's also my 999th post special self-MOC which I have no idea how to start it, or what I should be.

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