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mercenary vahki


There is a plauge upon our forums. This is a plauge of disrespect, indifference, and... blah blah blah. You know the rest all too well. These types of blog entries all serve a purpose: the greater good. They demand respect. I appreciate the willingness of members to stand up and make a point. But nowadays there are more paragraphs written about disrespect than there are instances of it. So just to let everyone know, YOU CAN STOP NOW. Sure, these are not really a problem. What is a problem, however, is the major lack of disdisrespect. If you see disrespect, attack it at the source. Defend a member. Cool down a flame war. If every time I witnessed a crime I went home and made a journal entry about it, I would not be helping anything. I would call the cops instead, or smoke tha guy. (assuming that was legal O.o)


And while I'm on a roll here, I gotta say that this place is kinda lame right now. I WANT MOAR INTERNETS NAO please. People need to loosen up and have some fun. All while trying to not ### off the mods. I get the feeling that they want to beat up us regular members.


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Kex and I has our fist-fights. ;)


I only get to a point of arguement when I am excessively offended. I don't like Apathy. *glares at Candlejack*


But I gotta admit, I find his trolly personailty entertaining. We're old, I believe the crrect word is, acquaintances.



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