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Oh, Just Stop Whining About Bionicle....



It's a friggin' plastic toy, if doesn't matter if it "fails" because it doesn't meet your "supreme" expectations, it doesn't matter to the Universe....


Just deal with it. Keep on complaining about them and work at... Kroger’s or something.


That's why I buy them with no complaints, because it doesn't matter if I don't like them, but I obtain joy (yes, obtain joy) when I get a new one....


"Oh, they're not good, whine, whine, whine, Lego's failed me, whine, whine, whine, and they should be ashamed of themselves!"


C'mon... people either flame you because they disagree, and... just agree if they agree. ...And that's it. To keep your opinion loud and clear, you just do it again....


Ugh... I'm not having an "aaargh, nothing matters to the outcome of the Universe!" thing, I've always been like this. ...Because it's true.


I may delete this entry in the morning... I can't really think… I'm very sleepy.


I may regret this in the mornin'....


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What I find really annoying is when people flame the set designers and focus groups, the set designers for doing their jobs and the focus groups for daring to have a contradictory set preference.

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Yes, especially when they're whining about something that doesn't matter.


Like... debating whether or not... Joey... from... Friends... will... turn around three times and do a crossword puzzle. It doesn't matter.

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This entry almost precisely sums up how I feel about BZPower these days.


I say 'almost', because I'm not really someone who thinks about the universe that much.

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I agree with you. I have no problem with constructive criticism, but sometimes it just seems like they have nothing better to do and want to ruin other peoples' enjoyment. And, like you said, it is just a childern's toyline. Let the kids decide what they want BIONICLE to be, not people who are out of the target audiance.



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People have a right to criticize the sets if they feel strongly about them, as much as I have a right to disagree because I feel strongly about them. I post what I know or feel to supplement what others know or feel.


As Teebert says, it is irritating when the focus groups, fans within the target age range, and LEGO set designers are insulted. Most set decisions are done to please the target audience, which is as its name suggests the only group LEGO is supposed to have to please. Nevertheless, Ca'gerrin made a humorous entry about the set designers after the ToyFair pics were revealed, and this I will accept in the name of satire.

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