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Orthodontics....oh What Joy



I had an orthodontist appointment yesterday, and my mouth is KILLING ME!! ugh.


I'm convinced that one of the nurses there hates me....seriously. You know when I had all that oral surgery done on that tooth? Well, the doc. said it would be really sore, and that it would be swollen and red for up to SIX months, and yeah, it's not as bad as it used to be, but it is slowly healing, so it's a bit swollen and pinkish still. Anyways, so trhe nurse is taking the arch wire off and all of a sudden she flips and goes "Man, you area terrible Brusher!!" (Which isn't true, I have some of the nicest teeth in the entire office, they're quite white, shiny and very well taken care of, none of the nurses have ever found anything stuck in my braces or anything.) She kept going on and on about the eyetooth, where my gums were swollen, unfortunately, I couldn't speak up about my surgery because her hands were in my mouth...but yeah. Ugh....So then as she's working on my mouth, she's Purposefully pressing like seriously forcing at least twenty pounds on that really REALLY sore tooth (If you've ever had a tooth jerked down from being completely covered in your gums to all the way fully down in less then a minute, you'll know what sore is.) and that really hurt...


Then, my Doc came in (Who By the way last week said I had great looking teeth, and that I was doing spectacular in brushing, and keeping my teeth strong and healthy.) and he anted to put Brackets on my teeth (GO BRACKETS, they hurt so much less than the bands do.) So I was quite happy with that. and then all of the sudden the nurse is like " well I really think she should have the brackets." And the doc was like "No, we can't even fit them on." And then she's like "I can." So He trie s a few on, and of course, they don't fit, so He overruled and said we would do the brackets, which is good. :) But still...


This has been another rambling.




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