Not A Rant About Global Warming
*Sigh* Bonesiii declared that my entry was too political (and I guess he's right). BZP is a kid's website, and discussions on stuff like this, while it can be beneficial, is not allowed. After all, while I would love to manipulate all your opinions about everything, I'm just a random kid on the Internet. Instead, I urge you to go do the research yourself, from books to websites to lectures. It's good to know about the world around you and what's happening in it... it's just not good to have heated topics discussed on BZP.
If you want to see stuff a a team of international scientist have discovered, you can go use the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change link. As far as I am aware, it's a group of 2000 climate scientists from 100 countries participating in the largest peer review and scientific cooperation project in the world. I'd say that gives them some legitimacy.
And, to counter Dalek, any irrational, environment-bashing posts will be deleted / heavily edited by ME. Muhahaha!
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