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A Turn Of Events



Well, it looks like my week isn't so busy after all. Our trip to visit Texas has been postponed due to lack of money, and really bad timing. But I'm not disappointed. In fact, I'm actually relieved! We had way too much planned for one week. Now I might be able to actually have a party for my birthday. I want my 18th birthday to be special. After all, you only turn 18 once! :P


Anyway, I've been thinking about my birthday. Actually, it's not only my birthday, but I'm also graduating this month too, so I've been thinking that I might want a party.


For some reason, I haven't been too exited about my upcoming birthday recently. I guess I've had a lot on my mind, and I didn't know what I wanted to do for it, so I just told my mom I wanted something simple. But now I'm real excited about an idea I have, and I want to make it happen! What is it? A steampunk themed birthday/graduation, where everyone dresses up in neo-victorian clothing, and we have a party with themed food, beverages, and activities! And talk like upper class European gentlemen! :P


Though, I only have about a week. Any low-budget steampunk party ideas would be greatly appreciated. ^_^


- Edited for spelling. -


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Yay for graduation! 13 more days!


As for your party, good luck. Would everyone coming even know what steampunk is?

But talking like high class European gentlemen is always fun! (so is talking like a pirate!)



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How does one have steampunk beverages? "Why yes, have some delicious motor oil!"

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