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My Mind And Essays

Sometimes I wonder whether there exists some problem with my mind when it comes to essays.


You see, for History, our class was to write a 6 paragraph essay on Woman's Suffrage (Woman fighting for rights in the early 1900s) in Britain, and to discuss which organization or event contributed the most to the success of women's suffrage: The NUWSS (National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies), WSPU (Women's Social and Political Union) or the First World War.


I am on my 13th paragraph.


And I'm not even on the topic I should be discussing. Yet.


~ Bioran


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Only 6 paragraph? Unless you mean fully developed, each one is a page in length, paragraphs.


From my experience, being as concise as possible is usually the best. I think this was coming from teachers who didn't want to read 30 twenty page essays on one weekend... :P



Dark Wanderer


.....Why did you write too much? You know, sometimes the teacher doesn't even read past the assigned amount.....



You and I are polar opposites.

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