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Soon To Be Employed



I applied for a job at the Borders via the internet a few days ago, and today I went to the store to ask the manager if she received my application. Turns out, applications won't be checked until next week, but they're hiring! So I'll be contacted after they go over my application.


I think I have a good chance of getting the job too, the manager wrote down my name, so my application will be likely to stick out. ;)


The atmosphere of the store is great too. The store is real big, but quiet, and somehow doesn't echo like it looks like it should. There's a second floor with a café on it too, so that's nice. :)


Now all I have to do is wait.




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I applied online a while back. Nobody called me, but I recently called them and they also said they weren't looking at applications yet. (I doubt my online test went well either, being an introvert.)

But I really want the job....


I like your idea of walking in and speaking with a manager.


Good luck!



PS, I though you were moving soon? How's this work?

PPS, Can you put in a good recommendation for me for my Borders? :P

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I thought you were moving soon? How's this work?

Oh, I guess I forgot to make a post about this; We've decided not to move just yet. We're going to finish renovating our house and then look into moving afterwards. We were rushing things, and that just made everything frustrating. My parents said we may have to stay through the winter, but we're open to an alternative, should one come along.


Though when we do move, we're considering either Texas, or somewhere along the east coast. In the meantime, I need a job. :P

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... I didn't even -think- of applying at Borders. That's a good idea. Ima go do that now.


Good luck getting the job ^^

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My Barnes & Nobles decided to drag it out like they did to VanillaToads up there.


"Oh, they aren't here now. Call back on Friday."


"Oh sorry, can you try Tuesday?"


"I think they'll be here on Saturday, you can try calling then."


I just gave up on it.



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