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This Was A Triumph



I'm making a note here, huge success.

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.


Well anyways, I'm leaving to do some slave labor work for someone in my church for a while. Until Thursday, to be exact. The payment? Being able to stay at their cabin while working and anything that goes along with that. :P Oh, and money, apparently.


Zomg, I got an iPod equivalent! I'm a conformist! =D Sansa Fuze, if anyone here is really that interested. :P


And I'm off! At least the weather there should be around the fifties. Just in time for the failure which is eighty degree and up temperatures. A shame I'll have to come back to such heat. Complain, complain...


Have fun without me! =P


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Have fun, Mr. ~Po~! Or else I'll... I'll... I'll glomp you again! :P


Ooh, and congratulations on acquiring an MP3 player!


And double congratulations on escaping the heat!


And I think I'll add another "have fun" down here, for good measure.




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Mister Po, King of the Bacon Regiment, I informed you not so long ago that Still Alive was my song, and that you could have that reject over there that's still in your corner. Bacon and eggs get stale and hard after a while, you know that, right? Excellent.


Now stop singing it, you fool! *beats you over the head with a bacon-shaped and egg-flavoured piece of gum*


As for the other information, I got a Sansa m200 several months ago from my uncle. Not as cool as yours, but a Sansa, nonetheless. GIMME YOURS, FOOL. *beats over the head again*


Salve labour, eh? Interesting....




EDIT: BACON KING. You should've been back by now. What is TAKING so LONG? /sarcasm But, srsly. You were supposed to be back, like, a month ago and I have some very important things that I need to ask you on Yahoo. NO MORE SALVE LABOURS FOR j00s!



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