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Where Art Thou, Summer?



I have proof Summer shalt never cometh to thy fair land again. The reasons why:


About a week ago, my parent's friends brang their children with uber ADD over (ages 1-3 and 3-4) and they were both sick. Guess what? They were always running around the house, screaming mommy and daddy. And my dad said that their youngest, who was the sickest, continuously planted his entire face into each pillow in the house. Note that he has sniffles, coughs, and a freaking huge runny nose. The other one coughed all over out dinner food, and wouldn't stop pestering us. He wanted everything on the table, but once he got everything, he ate nothing. And he tugging on his dad's shirt, saying "Momdaddy momdaddy momdaddy momdaddy momdaddy momdaddy momd..."


We had to wipe the entire house down. Then, yesterday, my best friend and his sister came over to our house. We were told that his sister had a minor cold, just a cough. But that was far wrong. They both had colds. The sister was the worst though. She had a long, raspy cough, and snot everywhere, and a phlegmy throat. And her parents still insisted on giving her milk. My friend coughed about fifty times while he was here. Again, we had to wipe the house down.


That proves that the cold season is still not over. Here's reports on the weather.


It's June now, no? It's been sunny every once and a while. A few nice days. But that's it. Throughout 2008, where I live, we've had the worst weather. Rain, snow, hail, wind, and that occasional glimpse of sunlight, as if it likes to tease our craving minds. Sometimes I think I'm going to get no-sun cancer. The most chaotic day though, was when it was windy, raining, with a storm, and hail chunks, and it was still slightly sunny. It's like our world is telling us to get off this planet, and find a new one. We SHOULD be doing that, too. As I type this, it is just plain wet outside. A few minutes ago, the trees were wildly swinging about, threatening to destroy my house. And rain was coming down, attempting to flood us.


When shalt this insanity cease? When will the sun prevail through the bad conditions and shine it's light upon thou? When shall the runny noses stopeth and when shall I get my book? I speaketh for everybody when I say two days. I WANT MY SUMMER BREAK! Who else has cruddy weather?


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I'll gladly trade my weather with yours. I'm already an insomniac and this heat just makes it worse. All we've got is heat, heat and perhaps some more heat.

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I'd gladly take it, but we don't control the weather. >_< I love the heat. This state is perhaps the most depressing place in the world. It's rained at least three more times since I posted this, and it's windy right now. It's like heaven when it's sunny. Oh well.
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I'm not sure which is worse, rain and wind, or above-hundred temperatures for weeks. You may think it's good, but there is a line when sun becomes not pleasant anymore. This sunburn is gonna last me weeks.

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