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The Benefits Of Meditation



Even years ago, in my teens, I remember how I used to long for something that was missing from my life. Inner peace, serenity, a connexion to the center of my being. Now, looking back, I wonder how I went so long without actually doing something about it.


In more recent times, I've known about the benefits of meditation and I've sought information on various techniques. I've tried out a couple of recordings that were supposed to help achieve the Alpha state of mind, where "conscious" thought quietens and allows the "subconscious" to flow freely without falling asleep. They haven't worked for me -- at least, not yet.


But -- Oh God! -- I had the most amazing experience yesterday morning.


I've read that it's best to meditate first thing in the morning, then at midday, and again before bed.


Lately my sleep rhythm has been totally out of whack, what with my 16:00-21:00 work shift and an insidious habit of late-night web surfing. What got me up bright and early yesterday was that I had a train to catch.


So I get up, I'm feeling a little woozy from lack of sleep, but I've had some soothing, supportive dreams, so I feel light and energetic at the same time. I take a hot shower, which wakes me up nicely. Then I sit down on my bed with a pillow in between my back and the wall, the soles of my feet pressed together, and my hands resting on my knees.


I close my eyes and allow my mind's eye to show me whatever images come up. I'm not analyzing what I see, just registering it as it comes. The images come at a very quick rate, about 3-10 per second. Then, as I get into the flow of the image-associative subconscious, I start concentrating on my breathing. In... out... in... out. Breathing in light and coherence, breathing out negativity and conflict. Breathing in higher consciousness, breathing out lower consciousness. Breathing in connectedness, breathing out separateness. In... out... in... out.... I feel my energy centers merging into one.


All of a sudden, I get a very exciting feeling in my gut, a foreknowledge: "This is it! Something's happening!" And up comes this wall, or pillar, of light. It dances like fire in front of me. Immediately, I know that this is the manifestation of a higher part of my being. I feel the love as it greets me with incredible warmth and light. I speak to the light. I tell it, meaning I tell myself, the things that I want to happen, as if they were already happening.


The connection wavers and breaks. I am in my regular, conscious ego self again. But I feel ecstatic! Whoooo!


And that's it. I've tried a couple of times since then to repeat the process, without achieving quite the same results. I think my diet may have something to do with the difficulty of breaking through. Maybe the first time, outside conditions were more favourable. I'm glad I was able to do it so easily the first time -- now I know what I'm going for, and it really motivates me to keep trying, keep practising.


So that's my little spiel on meditation. I'll keep you posted if I get more breakthroughs. Ciao!




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I can meditate.


I do so every day during math class.


I can also put myself into a coma, and come out at any time.

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I've tried meditation a few times, it's really nice for gaining lots of energy in a short amount of time.

But I can't find myself able to meditate for more then 4 minutes at a time anymore,

last summer I was meditating about every day and was able to stay focused for 14 minutes which still isn't alot.


I've achieved something similar to what I think you are talking about (that fire thing) before.

I pulled an all-nighter once and at around 4 in the morning, I was previously tired enough to fall asleep and then I got this amazing burst of energy.

I felt as if I could do anything, and I felt this great warmth and happiness and was unnaturally kind to this guy I was really mad at (time zone difference, he was just getting up for school).

I also felt like I could think 2 thoughts at once.


I think you've just inspired me to set a goal of daily meditation for myself this summer.

Fits in pretty well seeing as another goal of mine was to understand myself better.

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I can meditate.


I do so every day during math class.


I can also put myself into a coma, and come out at any time.

Cool. B)


I've tried meditation a few times, it's really nice for gaining lots of energy in a short amount of time.


I also felt like I could think 2 thoughts at once.


I think you've just inspired me to set a goal of daily meditation for myself this summer.

Fits in pretty well seeing as another goal of mine was to understand myself better.

That's the neat thing about it, you know. You really connect to a higher mode of being, where all things are possible. I think it's good not to get locked into a mindset of how it "should" be, you know, like setting expectations. The experience can be vastly different for different people, and differing from session to session, I would think.


You have awesome goals. ^_^



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I use a slighter version of meditation when is sparring matches, normally referred as mushin, which would be uniting body and soul for perfect sub-human effects. However, I rarely ever use that effect due to obvious reasons of hurty-hurt (which I tend to accomplish anyways, though it could be a lot worse if I did achieve mushin).


In terms of actual sit-on-the-ground-and-think (joke :P) meditation, I don't employ it at all. For starters, I'm not all that big into Asian practices, with the martial arts being enough for me, and I don't even use them to their full effect as they were intended (and as such am drasticly inferior to the more in-depth practicioners). Secondly, it just does not work for me. As soon as I start going "Inner peace... inner peace... dangit INNER PIECES!!"-- I've lost it. :P


So, I don't do yoga, nor Tai-Chi (I'd rather have my chai tea), nor any other meditational form of that particular type.


Am I aware of the benefits of these practices? Oh, yes, I do. I know quite well what they can do for your body (and soul, but I'm not going to get into that for obvious reasons), and if I really felt the desire to explore it all, I;d do it. However, it simply does not work out for me, and personally, I'm a get-out-and-do-it gitter' dun' kinda guy, so sitting in a prezel with a blank mind never did do me much.



And that was EW's take on the subject.



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I use a slighter version of meditation when is sparring matches, normally referred as mushin, which would be uniting body and soul for perfect sub-human effects. However, I rarely ever use that effect due to obvious reasons of hurty-hurt (which I tend to accomplish anyways, though it could be a lot worse if I did achieve mushin).

:o "Sub-human?" Ouch! The word associations in my mind are painful on that one. Namely, the "propaganda for justifying genocide" deal. Please, in consideration for those of us with acute historical sensibilities, don't use that term here. Anyway, you probably meant "superhuman," which is almost the opposite. :)

So, I don't do yoga, nor Tai-Chi (I'd rather have my chai tea), nor any other meditational form of that particular type.


Am I aware of the benefits of these practices? Oh, yes, I do. I know quite well what they can do for your body (and soul, but I'm not going to get into that for obvious reasons), and if I really felt the desire to explore it all, I;d do it. However, it simply does not work out for me, and personally, I'm a get-out-and-do-it gitter' dun' kinda guy, so sitting in a prezel with a blank mind never did do me much.

It's true that meditation is easier for some and harder for others. Maybe you'd do better to explore other, more active methods? There's no one right way to meditate. The goal isn't necessarily to achieve a trance state -- even sitting still and listening to the sounds of your local nature could be considered a form of meditation. Clearing your mind of problems and filling it with peace can be done in many ways.



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