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Unleash The Wich



Yeah. Too bad W.I.C.H insists on careening off the table whenever I tell him to move straight. Stupid NXT robot of my own origins.


Yeah, my grandparents are coming over for 2 days tommorow- and seeing how they live all the way out in Minnesota, it's a big deal. My grandad is a genius. I won't lie to you. He could make your head explode if he wanted by explaining things like logic, chaos theories, and other things that make my brain hurt just by trying to mention them. Well, he is also into robotics- so much is he in fact that HE BOUGHT AN NXT JUST TO UNDERSTAND IT FOR WHEN HE VISITS. So I've been hurrying my butt up to get this poor excuse for a mechanical Moc to not make a fool of itself.


Oh well, I guess I can't strive for perfection without feeling like a total failure in the process. But yeah, all things including the hand-drawn comic will be delayed until their visit is over.


Here's to hoping R2-DS's retarded cousin here doesn't shame me in the intellectual field.




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