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Tickets Please!





Entry 13


Wow today was funny ^^


I woke this morning and did my daily BZP routine. Posted some comments and then had breakfast, i think O.o , oh yea forgot about that >< Ok then, skipped breakfast and then took a shower. Scarfed down some chicken for lunch and I was off to band.


The beginners today learned three more songs, one including "French Folk Song." I didn't really help much, and when the session was over My teacher had to stop by home real fast to get some lunch, so he kicked me out (not literally). I sat on one of the high schools bench's played some Crosswords on the DS, and waited for my girlfriend and her brother to arrive for Concert Band. When they did my teacher had just gotten there so we wandered in and set up. We got copies of the two new songs we played on Friday, which was "Cavalry Trot," and "Amber Moon." I like the song Cavalry Trot, but playing it, is just really high, the dynamics are intense. goes from a above the staff A-flat sixteenth note to an above the staff G quarter note tied to a high C quarter note, In simple terms: High and Hard! >< Amber Moon is fun and a nice sounding Asian like song, and plus I have a solo in it. Sadly I didn't count and was a beat ahead, sigh... oh well. After we ran through the new songs, we played through the rest.


Then my Mom took forever to pick me up and I was sitting in the heat for a while. She finally came and we got home. Then left to go pick up my little sister from her friends house. While I grabbed a bite to eat (Nachos) I started to watch some T.V. I saw the funniest commercial. It was advertising for some Magic Carnival show out in who-knows-where, and I was thinking in my head: "Lame" until the voice on the T.V said this: "Free entry with your ticket!" I was laughing so hard. I mean I hope it's free to get in after spending $10.95 (not including tax) on some ticket. If you had to pay again after you bought your ticket I'd be a little worried.


Then my Mom got home later after going to the Library I guess, and she made dinner. After I ate, I talked on the phone, and surfed some BZP. Then decided to get out some Warhammer stuff. So I'm now reading the rule book. I've only gotten through the introduction and some squads stuff along with the dice section, other than that I haven't read any more of it.


Speaking of reading I have now finally finished Kite Runner and now have to read it a second time, and take "Copious Notes" on the book. :rolleyes: Then of course there's the essay we write about on the third day of school, and the questions we need to answer as well. There's H10 English for ya' (They're lucky it's a really good book)


Well I'm off to read Kite Runner again, Tah Tah!







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That's exactly what I did with Kite Runner - read it so many times it's not funny. Fortunately, I didn't have to study it in any way.


Fact of the day: Studying a book in school makes it far less appealing, partially because it's practically shoved in your face... repeatedly... for ten weeks. English class single-handedly obliterated any interest in Shakespeare's works I used to have. :(

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That's exactly what I did with Kite Runner - read it so many times it's not funny. Fortunately, I didn't have to study it in any way.


Fact of the day: Studying a book in school makes it far less appealing, partially because it's practically shoved in your face... repeatedly... for ten weeks. English class single-handedly obliterated any interest in Shakespeare's works I used to have. :(


Ya, after HEnglish 9 I'm less of a fan of Romeo & Juliet, Not that I was that much of a fan to begin with. Thankfully we never went over Hamlet, so that it still a favored Shakespeare book for me.







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I bet they put those commercials that say "Free for 12$" or what ever so:

1: Mentally impaired people will buy it for 'free'.

2: To make the smarter people laugh at the commercial makers 'geniusness'.



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-and as of today, we are now reading, the Biography of Tahuri.

the most common adventure ever. with a little twicks here and there.


Wow, the ticket thing, that sounds like it here too. oO



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Now declared Mudkip-free. :happy:

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