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Watch Out, Here I Come...



I'm back again for another week of BZBlogging fun! Just yesterday I got back from my last camp, so what better way to use the rest of my summer break then sitting in front of the computer a little bit more then I already do? [/mild sarcasm]

Anyway, I must say that I'm going crazy over here. Ever since I heard about the Dark Knight, (which was in March, I believe...)I've been freaking out and plotting with a very close friend of mine about how we were going to go see it at the Midnight showing. (I was even thinking about dressing up for it, which is just proof of how excited I was) Then, in June, I found out that a camp I had volunteered to work at happened to fall on opening week! So feeling very depressed and a bit of a ditcher, I informed my friend that she would have to find someone else to go see it with. Then, after checking her calendar, she realized that she too would be gone opening week! So we decided that on Wednesday, when we'd both be back in town, we would go see it together.

So now it's Sunday, and I'm hearing from practically everyone how great it was, etc, etc, and I'm going insane! Not only is Batman my most favorite super-hero story, but Joker is my favorite villain. Period. (Sorry Makuta and Vezon...Joker just simply cannot be topped) So I'm just over here, tearing my hair out and avoiding some of my favorite sites for fear that I'll accidentally read/see some spoilers. Gah! If I find out that my friend saw it while she was gone I'm going to be a little bit more then peeved...

Anyway, I'm going to try and call her tomorrow to see if she's back yet, because I'm having a hard time waiting for Wednesday! Hope you all stay a little saner then I am right now and enjoy this perk week!





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