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'twas A Stormy And Dark Knight...



Yeah, Lame pun/title...I did it for the Lawls...


Anyway, as I believe I mentioned before, a friend and I had to cancel our midnight showing extravaganza to The Dark Knight due to us both being out of town. Well, we finally got to see it today and...Wow...Just wow...It's a lot more violent then I was expecting (Or felt comfortable with) but man, did they nail Joker's character or what? And the story! Absolutely amazing! Not only was it intense and VERY well thought out, I honestly couldn't predict anything! In fact, all the predictions I made about this movie about a month ago were totally wrong...I'm very happy about that.


(For those who are curious what my predictions were, leave a comment and I'll respond that way, I don't want to ruin the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet) (And if you haven't seen it, and if large amounts of violence don’t upset you, I would suggest seeing it! Especially if you're a Batman fan, you won't be disappointed)



Anyway, movie-swooning aside, I'm actually very stressed right now. Yesterday I found out that instead of having to do some research for 1 horse anatomy subject, I have to do research on 9 horse anatomy subjects! (I'm on my state's 4-H quiz bowl team and horse anatomy was one of the topics I volunteered to study) And of course, it's all due this Saturday. On top of that, I have my 4-H record book to finish up which wasn't half as completed as I thought it was, and that too should be turned in by Saturday. So needless to say, I'm not a happy camper right now. I only came on here to ramble a bit about the Dark Knight so that I could focus on my other projects. Now that my two minutes are up, I should get back to my report... See ya... *leaves grumbling about last minute assignment changes*





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*gasp* I never knew you had a Blog! I need to pay attention more...


Anyway, my sister and I want to see the Dark Knight, but our Mom doesn't want us too.... We're kind of bummed. We have a thing called ClearPlay, (you know what it is) and she won't even let us watch it with THAT! IT's because it's dark...


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Yep, I have a blog, I got it...Two years ago(?)... When they gave everyone a week of Premier abilities to celebrate BZP's anniversary. I, obviously, can only mess with it during the anniversary week.


And yes, it’s really dark, unlike the first one which only had a dark, underlying theme. But the storyline, cinematography, and action were really good. (At least in my opinion) I hope you guys can see it sometime soon.


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