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Army Men



Well, let me start off by saying that my sister is six today, and I got to sing Happy Birthday to her via cell phone. ^w^ But since I mentioned that yesterday, let us move on.


We ended up only playing Laser Tag for the first twenty minutes XD. We went on the Bumper Boats twice, shot water balloons at each other, and somehow found two hundred tickets just lying around the arcade area; after losing track of three dollars worth of tokens of course... *sigh* (NOT MY FAULT) But we probably wouldn't have won as much as we found anyway, soz...


As for prizes... the three of us got a deck of cards each, and with the remaining tickets, we got thirty-nine army men >=D


I ended up with nineteen of them since the other guy didn't want any. They're attacking my desk right now.


I've always though that being able to just mass troops would be like the most fun thing ever. They sell packs of fifty army men at the dollar store back home... how awesome would it be to just buy like ten packs of those and arrange five hundred army men around your room? They're cheap as dirt, but think of the possibilities!


... I am so acting my age. >>




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They're pretty fun to have battles with -- I should know seeing as I have several kinds of them in different colors. Also, I have two buckets of WWII army men in four nations. US, Germany, Japan, Great Britain. It's pretty fun to play with them with fake barbed wire, sandbag bunkers, tanks, two small buildings, etc... ^_^

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COmbine army men with a toy tank, two helicopters, and a Lincoln Log fort, and you have fun. Especially if you are able to figure out a way to blow the fort up, like I did. >=D

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Yeah, it's always fun to have armies of minifigs duking it out around your room.

And of course, combining them with extras, like terrain and all, is excedingly fun.

Which reminds me, I need to get some of those LotR SBG minifigs soon. I soo want those Ringwraiths.

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