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.:Toa Rasor:.


The Epic Showdown shall resume, as Rasor and his other Toa friends continue their quest in the next epic, Flames of Fate. Also, I'd like to thank everyone including guests who have read my epic, also big thanks to Toa Velox for helping me edit it. Here is my basic summay/Teaser of the storyline. Also Tomarrow, the epic shall begin. Also readers, if you havn't please review the epic Quest of the Time Gates, in a full review.


Toa Rasor, Champion Toa who just fought the war for the icon, has won. Although the Brotherhood of the Makuta had escaped along with their leader Teridax. Toa Rasor has now been captured by a elite gang of evil who does not reveal their name. He is now on a volcanic island and to escape it he has to use the stone of fate or defeat the leader of the volcanic place. He was sent to prison by one of the Axonian godesses, Devon, (As mentioned in one of the chapters) to be sent to this volcanic island. To prove he is the real Rasor, he needs to find his Avohkii inside the lair of Axona himself. Will Rasor succeed and defeat Teridax in time?


The Toa Avart and the rest of Rasor's team are now up against the Makuta remaining of the war. They have gotten contact from Axona that Rasor has to find the Avohkii and transform into his real form and become a Toa of Twilight, since it is impossible to find a way to defeat the darkness inside him.


Also, I will include alot more description, I know I didn't do too much in the last epic, and I will spend alot more work on the chapters, they will be much longer, this time much longer... the beginning will be short but like all my epics, grow big. I hope all readers enjoy this epic. Till tomarrow....,




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