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Ooooh, Oooooh Look What I Boughtz! =)



I dun have a working camera, but I bought that LEGO AT-TE tank thingy.


Rex and the battle droid I call Sergeant came with it along with Anakin and Ahsoka along with a clone and that Rotta glob of green.


I haven't finished it yetz, but I madez the figs and STAP vehical that came with it 8D


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Sounds cool!


Is it big? 'Cause I honestly don't know what it is. :D


Hey, I don't feel like going back to whatever entry it was that I said I'd give you this, so...here!

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I don't know how big it is cuz I am too lazy to make it... I just made a fleet of small ships out of it to entertain me for a bit =P

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I have a feeling Star Wars lego sets are going to die soon...like Exo-force did. Ah, Exo-force was once so much better... *sigh*


You didn't build it though?! Blasphemy! I'd only not build a set if I hate it! Which I wouldn't because I bought it!


Did Lord Helmet get lost at the store or something?

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More like lost in the box <<


I didn't build it cuz I'd have to take it apart when I brought it to the apartment... and even there I'd have to break it again so I could move it into the new house in Denver.


Instead to busy myself I just made a bunch of small ships which are going to have to be destroyed. Although I made the STAP...

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Wow. I always build a set as soon as I get home! Sometimes in the car, if they're, like, Matoran, or if they have a handy box. But I see your predicament.


What's an STAP?

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A STAP are those little speedi craft that Battle droids use in battle, there's a blue colored one which comes with the AT-TE, I don't know what it stands for, but they can be seen in the CW movie of which one gets you could say by being Hijacked by Anakin.


They hover and all that jazz.

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