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Quarters O' The Week!

Schizo Kaita


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The banner will be joining my Letters of Marque (Q.C.), given to me by Admiral Emeritus Ninjo, on the starboard wall of my quarters, right beneath the Hatebeak poster.

And yes, it's completely true: I didn't bribe Janus into picking my quarters. If I'd done that, I'd have had the title weeks ago. :P
What, you thought I was going to say I threatened him into it, rather than bribing him? No one threatens Janus and lives, young tars! (Well, perhaps Percy...)

Well, the previous celebration has ended, mostly because someone decided to turn my 4.4 rating to a 4.2 rating, so the cause for the celebration is pretty much gone, but hey, let's forget about that and celebrate this special occasion instead!

We're still having the Scourge cleaned up, so we're moving the party to the Verdant Terror, the secondary fleet vessel. It's a tad bit smaller, but I figure it's a week day and less people'll show up anyway. As Cpt. Than hasn't been able to access his own blog for a few months now, he's been refitting the Terror and keeping it in good shape, so a deck-warming party is in order there, too. O' course, Than will be the guest of honour (I've been hogging the position for too long anyway :P ), mostly because of his surviving the Comedies Islets. You'll notice his rank now says 'Enjoys pain...'

Other people who'll be attending: the Fleet Followers, some of which you'll know well, and others you'll just have to talk to yourself: Lehvak Kal Nuva, Forgotten Onepu, Lukos Bassai, Bionicle Dragon, Carnage, Mikerahk, Kohaku, -Storm-, Cap'n Exo (watch out for his spork o' doom), Tesseract (BBC contest #38 finalist!), BCii (watch yer feet, he may have brought hedgehogs along), Lyichir: Rachira of Influence, Janus (beware the poking stick!), T-Hybrid (thanks for the DJ set last time, we're still trying to fix the rudder, plus my state room's full of sawdust), Kopaka's Ice Engineering (wild tales o' the Brickfest, lads!) and Valenti. Half of them have blogs of their own, so check those out, too.

It'll be more of a lounge-type get-together this time: we've plundered us some more Lazy Boy bean bags, added a few lounge chairs, pillows and couches, so there's plenty of room to take a load off. Get in nice, all sorts of beverages and party snacks will be brought to you by the Ga-Koro Girl Guides. Hey, they need to earn their widgets, now that they're not getting any screen time in the storyline. Oh, and come a bit closer, so they don't hear... Whatever you do... Don't mention Hahli. They're pretty ticked at her fer hogging the spotlight this year.

As for music: Apocalyptica's coming over to play their own covers of Dropkick Murphys songs. They used to do Metallica, but they're making an exception for me. That, and they're actually getting paid, so they don't get to complain.

You'll forgive me for turning in early, but everyone else is free to chat and joke around till the wee hours o' the mornin'. The Cap'n 'imself needs to get up early for his day job. (It's just a way to cheat taxes, they don't expect pirates to have a 9-5 job.)

But fer now, board the Terror! We won't be stationary in the BioLog harbour this time, so while taking it easy, you'll get to see different vistas of BZ-Metru and Mata Nui. :pirate:


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Ah, a new celebration... always fun. That and who doesn't like to celebrate your awesome blog? :P


Just one question, Where be the Rum? :P



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I saw that drop in rating your poor quarters suffered shortly after the celebration. Methinks a jealous rival of yours may have tampered. Perahps he who has taken over the number 10 spot?


But 4.2 ain't so bad. Tis where I've been resting my anchor for the last few weeks.

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Just one question, Where be the Rum? :P

What do you think I'm paying Apocalyptica with? ;)

But 4.2 ain't so bad. Tis where I've been resting my anchor for the last few weeks.

Of course it isn't bad. It still shows up as five golden stars, so I'm still happy. And I only got onto the top 10 rated list because some other blogs had been down-rated, too. It's a blog eat blog world! :o

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No rum? ;_; Oh, too bad.


Anyways, congrats, Cap'n! A bit late, actually, but someone have to take care of everything...


Alright. *Gets into the Terror*


(Oh yes, looks like it's 4.3 now :o)

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Huzzah! :happydance:

That emoticon is only to express my emotions - I'm still getting used to my new day schedule after going to bed during the early hours and getting up at noon. In a few weeks, I won't even notice anymore, though.


And I'll be glad when that stupid Scouting barbecue is over... It's a good thing we've got a team of people working on this, or I'd have completely gone nuts by now. Now I can leave the going nuts part to the others. :P


There'll probably going to be some more people calling in their orders, but I'm sure we'll have enough people attending to make the barbecue work. And on the bright side: with less people attending, that makes the barbecue less stressful for the leader crew.


Going to turn in early, I need my beauty sleep. I just looked in the mirror, and boy, do I need a beauty sleep.

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Oh, so the guest of honor isn't supposed to scream "Wooooo..." at the top of lungs. Fine.


Glad to see another one of my comrades take up this free publicity scheme I devised to spread my banners*... err... I mean it's great to see one of my comrades placed in the elite group of BotW winners! Congrats!


*Ok, so the only thing I was involved in the process was making the banner for Janus when approached about it. Otherwise I did nothing for the BotW idea.


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