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This was my first comedy, and I can’t say that it’s very good or very bad. Just… different.


Bio: Makuta is bored, so he decided to infect all the Toa. He enslaves a Matoran named Nupari, and sets out to take control of Mata-Nui. But the Toa have other things in mind… like collecting rare masks, playing board games, and skateboarding.


Thoughts: Well, this comedy came back when review topics were allowed (But not before the 300 word rule). I had a nice review topic opened, but then it got closed down randomly. :blink: Anyway, the story itself is random enough. I took many of the other aspects of Bionicle (Board games, collectables, skateboarders, and the whole Toa of Light mystery) and threw them into the story. All the Toa get to be pretty crazy and all lack in intelligence, but I made Onua my stupid Toa (which was Pohatu in other comedies at the time, I believe). There are some parts in there that I really do like. For example, Lewa throwing aside a banana peal and Tahu slipping on it, Kopaka freezing Tahu place, even though they’re after Lewa, and Tahu wondering about the title of the Chapter. There were a few low humor jokes in there, but nothing too bad.


I even hit a couple of controversial topics (one without even knowing it). First of all, I make a big point saying that Takanuva wasn’t anybody else (Onua called him Kapura, I believe). And then, it turns out I was COMPLETELY WRONG! Oh well… and then I touched on the fact that Lewa was not a Toa of the Jungle, but of Air, so he couldn’t really control vines and the such. Didn’t help that he did that in the MOL…


There were problems. My spelling was off (especially because I spelled the Matoran are Nupari the entire time… forgot the U. The formatting was bad… but the emotions went well. That, and the Spanish portion was all taken out of an online translator…


For a first comedy, it wasn’t that bad. It didn’t break any rules, even if it lacked a bit in the humor department. Anyway, it worked up towards an interesting sequel.




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