My Hopes For 2009
Alright. Let me begin by saying that I've seen the pictures, but I'm not going to spoil anything for anyone.
2009 is supposed to be a fresh start for Bionicle. New location, new characters, new everything. Greg once mentioned, after I'd said how much I liked 2001-2003 for its scenery and location, that I should like 2009 a lot. As you can imagine, this has gotten my hopes up considerably.
My impression, which could be right or wrong, is that 2009 will be similar in many ways to 2001. I imagine the setting to be closer to that in terms of technology and perhaps in terms of environment as well. This gives considerable scope for exploring new lands, ideas and cultures. I would dearly love to spend some time getting to know the inhabitants, how they live, what life is like and what the actual environment is like. In the old days we got to explore these places ourselves. I knew what every place was like because I'd been there myself and interacted with both the place and the people through the MNOLG. In 2002, and to a lesser extent 2003, the Webisodes provided this interaction that allowed me to gain an understanding of the region. In 2003 there were more webisodes, the MNOLG II and a film. Something, anything, to let me see the places would be dearly welcome.
In terms of location, I'd like to see something with diversity. Mata Nui and Metru Nui had six distinct regions each with their own atmosphere, Rahi, challenges, culture and locations. Voya Nui and Mahri Nui had very, very little in this sense and while they both had potential, they fell very short IMO. Karda Nui is hardly better, with Mutran's description summing it up very well indeed. Given it's supposed size and incredible importance to the universe as a whole, I was sorely dissapointed by this. I would like to see somewhere that can be explored and have more purpose than a stage for battles.
Unless Greg surprises us by throwing in a bunch of known characters, do you realise next year will be the first time we've had Toa (if they are Toa) who we haven't known since 2001? They'll be the first hero sets to have new, original names! I don't know why I'm excited by this, but it does seem cool.
The sets such as I've seen are fantastic. Truly great. They have some things I don't like, so they're not perfect (what is), but I do really like them. I genuinely think BZP will like them as well. They have a number of things people have wanted, and a considerable number that I've wanted. What are these things? Heh, you know I can't say. I'd be bundled up and kicked out into a passing lorry before I could yell "pants". Infact, if you take that to mean before the general likelihood of me saying that rather than as a measure of time, then it could be a long time before that happens. I mean, I don't often run around yelling 'pants'. I don't think I ever have, infact. Why did I say any of that? I don't know.
I have no idea what the story will be next year. I would like it to involve an epic quest with puzzles, obstacles and many reasons for the Toa to spread themselves across the location as far as possible to give multiple angles and viewpoints all leading up to an epic and surprising confrontation against some mysterious and powerful villain throwing in mysteries and surprises along the way, but that might just be me. Time will tell.
Right. I think I'm done for now! If I come up with anything else to say I'll be sure to forget to write it anywhere. Stupid memory...
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