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I've posted in plenty of colors in my time here on BZPower. Black, lime green, blue, steel blue, gray, crimson, orange, teal, and, of course, purple. Maybe even some more that I'm forgetting about. A few weeks ago, shortly after the spider-staff, I thought about dropping the purple. I actually did go a day or two with normal black text. It just didn't seem right. So I went back to the purple.


Just a few moments ago, I had one of those sudden, random thoughts. I asked myself, "Drop the purple?" And I answered myself back. That's how it went down. Actually, after that, I thought of BR and lol'd.


It really does look a lot neater. And to emphasize something, bolding works quite well. And when something really needs emphasis, I believe purple can do the job.


So yeah. It's a totally new style to me. It'll definitely take some getting used to, but I like it. I like it a lot.





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At last ze one known as Kex has joined Us of no Text Color.


Of course, now ze one known as ET will never notice ze one known as Kex's posts due to their lack of ze color purple.

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Hmm... Maybe I should drop the red...


Testing... Definitely saves the time of typing out the color tags. I dunno. Red is fun.

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You'll never take me down with you, prince!


I see things a bit differently, Captain. D: -Kex


Ah, but at least I got you to post in purple here. Makes it all worthwhile. :P

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Dark red never goes out of style. :P


I've used a few styles before. Ranging from.




Italic red

Italic bold red (worst one and wasn't used much)

Bold dark red


I've been using bold dark red since about late 2003. Nearly three years. Does the black standard seem more profesional, yes, but I've always felt that the color and styling I use sets me apart from other users and I always like that. :)

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i don't think i will ever get out of this colour, i found the normal black so dull and boaring.....no offense to you non-coloured text people. :)
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