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Oh, The Humanity!



(Picking a category for this entry was hard.)


So, Brickfair! It is fun.


Things you should know:


- B6 is AWESOME in real life. You guys should throw love at him.

- I am enjoying Mak, Smeag, Kohaku, Rayg, Rayg's girlfriend, Omi, Magpi, KIE. They are awesome.

- I also enjoyed meeting What? and 55555, along with the guy whose name I unfortunately do not remember (I'm sorry! Just tell me who you were!)

- There are some awesome contest entries, and I GOT TO PLAY WITH THEM! Shad, your MOC is awesome, and I really enjoyed putting it together! Shanny, Tiome, Smeag, Tess, Bunda, MM, DrK, your MOCs also rock!

- I am going to steal the Fanglyfuss. It kicks.


I am having beaucoup d'fun. This is so much awesome.


I do have an issue with what has happened so far.


One word:




Seriously. Friday one of the LEGO stores had a special for BF attendees, where we were able to get half off of damaged boxes after hours. The sets were fine, but the boxes were not. Unfortunately, the first five or so people in the store 'claimed' most of the large stacks in the store, so the other 200 people got very little. I would not have as much of a problem with this as I do, if it were not for the fact that most of these purchased sets ended up being sold here at Brickfair the next day at almost-retail price.


This is extremely disgusting and definitely against the spirit of the hobby. It's not about making a buck, it's about sharing in the joy of creating something new.


I am disgusted, and especially at some folks I thought were above these shenanigans. What a bummer.


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Seriously. Friday one of the LEGO stores had a special for BF attendees, where we were able to get half off of damaged boxes after hours. The sets were fine, but the boxes were not. Unfortunately, the first five or so people in the store 'claimed' most of the large stacks in the store, so the other 200 people got very little. I would not have as much of a problem with this as I do, if it were not for the fact that most of these purchased sets ended up being sold here at Brickfair the next day at almost-retail price.

They ruin it for everyone.


Also, needs more drama.

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Guest The Captain


Is it always in the same place or is it set in a different location every year?
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Dagnabbit why aren't there pictures yet?? D:


Sorry. You guys are having an awesome time without us and I want to be there. This has firmly resolved my conviction to come next year.


But for now. SHARE THE LOVE! Please? :D

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we were able to get half off of damaged boxes
I hope you got the good half, the part that wasn't damaged. :P


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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Can't wait till next year, when I'm going for sure. We should do a roadtrip or something. Y'know, since Texas and Oklahaoma are so close and all.

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