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Next Tattoo

Spoony Bard


So I currently have 3 tattoos (One, Two, Three, and I already plan on getting the 4th one soon.


All my tattoos have one thing in common, they are all canine based (Wolf howling at moon, Cloudy Wolf, and the FOX logo), and since I rather stick with the wolf theme (and mainly tribal), I have picked the best design for my 4th tattoo.




What better design than the Lego Wolfpack logo? It is wolf related -and- shows my love for Lego (just like Cloudy Wolf shows my love for Final Fantasy).


So yeah. This may go on my right arm.




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Really? I don't see how you'd touch up something in someones skin...

Basically go over the part that needs fixing with more color.


Like say when parts of the wolf fade (like the edges for example), I can ask the tattoo artist to just touch it up so it doesn't look faded.


Did you not know this?



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@Omi; Ah. And no, I didn't know it, I don't really intend to get a tattoo so I never bothered learning a lot about this stuff.


@Zhal; You make a point. I guess I just enjoy debating Omi.

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^Like all ink, tattoo's fade. Take a little lesson from Mr. Axl W. Rose's right arm;




Odds are come 2028, it'll be less a wolf, more a diamond-shaped blur with the top point cut off.

Do note that the 1988 photograph has extremely high contrast, thus sharpening the edges and emboldening the tattoo. I'm disputing that it has faded, but just saying perhaps not as substantially as that comparison shot appears.


Also, <3 that album.


Anywho, do what you want, Shilomilar. I don't know why people argue over tattoos. I think they're kinda gross, but just because I don't like them is no reason others shouldn't, and why would I presume to criticize another for doing something he likes that doesn't harm anybody? :blink:

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@Omi; Ah. And no, I didn't know it, I don't really intend to get a tattoo so I never bothered learning a lot about this stuff.


@Zhal; You make a point. I guess I just enjoy debating Omi.

It is always good to have knowledge of something that doesn't interest you. Easier to debate with.



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@Smeag; True, and agreed on the album. ^^


Eh, again, I just like debating Shilo, but I do agree that it's his choice and he should decide, not us.


@Omi; Hmm...you make a point, as usual.

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I love this idea. I've never disputed your decision on the tattoos you've chosen. Again, like with the foxhound, its a versatile design that someone will look at and not just see a lego symbol but a canine itself.


PS. We missed the Tattoo convention in Boston last month :P



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Like say when parts of the wolf fade (like the edges for example), I can ask the tattoo artist to just touch it up so it doesn't look faded.


But then what it it bleeds when he/she does it? (the ink or die not actual blood) then it might look like a giant coffee stain or something of the like.



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Like say when parts of the wolf fade (like the edges for example), I can ask the tattoo artist to just touch it up so it doesn't look faded.


But then what it it bleeds when he/she does it? (the ink or die not actual blood) then it might look like a giant coffee stain or something of the like.



While that may be true, they can still be able to fix it. :)



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Whoa, I thought that looked a little familiar.....


I was kinda disappointed at how many Wolfpack sets there are.


Great, now I want a Black Falcon tattoo....:P

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