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Laugh Out Loud, Dood.



Behold, Harlequince- the initial Vessel for the Lord of Laughter.



And don't forget his tiny sentinent partner, Speedeh.*Craptastic first Photoshop ftw*


But once Harlequince has been nourished off enough laughing and pleasure from his pilot, the power manifests and Harlequince is released from his vessel- becoming the ultimate embodiement of his pilot's soul:




Lord of Laughter




Being so few humans who even have a grasp on machinery that we would call primitive, who could pilot such a machine? That would be young Donalin, a puppeter for his Lord's private theater. For so long, Harlequince stood unnoticed in broad daylight to the people of a now-thriving village, long thought to be just a statue left by God- also known as a "Vessel" .


When another "Vessel" nearby suddenly comes to life and attacks the village, all seems lost. Until Donalin climbs onto the ancient Jester "statue" to view the chaos down below. He stumbles from a blast and finds himself tumbling into a cockpict *of course, he would not know what that was* of Harlequince.


With the guidance of auto-activated Speedeh, the puppeteer quickly realises how similiar controlling the ancient machine is to controlling puppets.


Donalin suddenly finds himself swept into a trail of destiny way beyond that of an entertainer. With sudden sense that this world is not all that he once thought it was, he and Speedeh set out in his mech to better understand what exactly has happened, and what these "Vessels" really are. But in the end, will he use this power, or will he set out to destroy all the Vessels, including his own?


That's for you to find out when I start this baby. ;3




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Jesters use faces, dude. It's all about entertainment, like the classic comedy/tragedy masks. Both robots' designs were centered around jesters and stuff. Why jesters- Oh, wait. Yeah. Harlequince was originally just going to be some mech I drew out of boredom, but suddenly I started giving him harelquin stuff and BOOM!
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Pah, stop denying it. =P


Not denying it. TTGL is appearently good- but I view it as an obstacle.... A bloated, hideous wall I must climb over or demolish if I am to carve my way into the art/graphic novel/anime/whutevs industry.

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In this case, replace anime with whatever style you have going on.




He didn't mess up the proportions or anything. What are you talking about?






Could you at least supply a reason for why you dislike it instead of a macro?

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My opinion of your art


In this case, replace anime with whatever style you have going on.




He didn't mess up the proportions or anything. What are you talking about?






Could you at least supply a reason for why you dislike it instead of a macro?

How about the lack of depth for starters. That coupled with his clear lack of anatomical understanding hinders the piece. Granted it's a cool concept, but the poor quality really destroys the concept.

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My opinion of your art


In this case, replace anime with whatever style you have going on.




He didn't mess up the proportions or anything. What are you talking about?






Could you at least supply a reason for why you dislike it instead of a macro?

How about the lack of depth for starters. That coupled with his clear lack of anatomical understanding hinders the piece. Granted it's a cool concept, but the poor quality really destroys the concept.


Firstly, though I admit the depth isn't perfect, he did a darn good job regardless. Secondly, IT'S A GIANT ROBOT. It doesn't conform to human anatomy.

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I see where Gato is coming from, but I like it.


Only thing, really, is that cheeeeesy name, LOL.


If you want the Japanese to get the joke you might need to call it VVVVV or =3= or something. Cuz it's gonna get Japanized as Rordo Ofu Rafuta. Or ROR.


Or Rafuta-O.

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I see where Gato is coming from, but I like it.


Only thing, really, is that cheeeeesy name, LOL.


If you want the Japanese to get the joke you might need to call it VVVVV or =3= or something. Cuz it's gonna get Japanized as Rordo Ofu Rafuta. Or ROR.


Or Rafuta-O.


Woah, I don't suck that badly, right O,o ? It was just some giant robots.


But thanks!


And I see your point- it is kinda cheesy, but at the time I thought it was clever << >>

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