A Good Ol' Meeting...
Just got back from one of my scout meetings. It's my second to last (or third, I'm not quite sure) meeting as the Senor Patrol Leader, and I am soooo glad to be stepping down. Being SPL is A LOT of work (planning for meetings, keeping people organized, ext). I've learned that I prefer to lead by example, which does not always work when I'm trying to get a whole room of roudy scouts to SHUT UP!! But the meeting went fairly well tonight. They paid attention, got stuff done, and prepared to elect the next SPL. Sucker.
So I'm proud of my position, even if I didn't enjoy all of it. It was much more fun abusing the athority than being the athority. And it gives me something good to say for my Eagle Board... My project went relitivly well too. The work was pretty rough, but I got plenty of boys to volunteer, and most of the hard physical is done. So now all that's left is paperwork. Oh, the joy. :annoyed2:
And, BTW, I finally got six ratings. Wow, a 4.7. That's a pretty high rating on this board. I suppose it'll go down once I get some more votes. But maybe it stands out a little more.
Anyway, I'm back to working for all the evil school stuff. I have a cool MOC to post, a few interesting ideas for story updates, and a nifty collection of custom Matoran (which will get its own blog entry soon enough). But I also have Calculus homework, a Senor Project, and a drama audition, so I'm thinking my Lego obsession may have to take a break.
Anyway, have a good night, on Tuesday the Twelth.
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