Blue Blues
Is it just me, or are the blue characters this year lacking in something?
Well, maybe it is just me, but the single characters I dislike the most (set wise) out of the Piraka and Inika are Vezok and Hahli. They are both the blue sets, and I have never been disagreeable to blue sets in the past? Why now?
For Hahli, it's quite simple. The mask su... isn't that good. It looks estraterestrial, with a mustache and all. I mean, it wouldn't be that bad if it was on Nuparu or Kongu, but on Hahli! No feminen qualities at all... like Lego was also planning for the blue Toa set to be a male. And the color scheme... gray with dark blue. Uhg. That didn't fit Hahli at all, and the appearance disapointed me.
I have my quarrels with Vezok as well... the head had too many bumps on the chin and I didn't like the spiked forehead, and the weapon was just too small. But the colors were okay. If I had skipped picking up one of the Piraka, it would've been Vezok (but I have found some of his parts useful in MOCing).
I never had this problem with Gali (I liked her Toa appearance the best, really!). Gali Nuva, Nokama Metru and Hordika were also a little "girly" compared to their other Toa counterparts (well, maybe not the Hordika) and I think it worked with their storyline characters. But this new blue Toa just doesn't fit with Hahli.
If I wasn't a big collector, and I didn't want to get every last Toa, I wouldn't buy Hahli in a protest for her appearance.
But I'm going to buy the set anyways. Because that's what my money is for (no, seriousely).
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