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Tuesdays Five



Are you mad at me for not updating my blog?What's new?I put in 9.25 hours at work yesterday. What did you do?What would make a good question to put here?What would be a good answer to question you put as your answer to the last question?


Recommended Comments

  • Are you mad at me for not updating my blog? Not really.
  • What's new? My birthday is the 10th 8D
  • I put in 9.25 hours at work yesterday. What did you do? Slept in and lazed around.
  • What would make a good question to put here? "Lolwut?"
  • What would be a good answer to question you put as your answer to the last question? Lolyes.
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Are you mad at me for not updating my blog?

Not really, no.


What's new?

Yesterday, I tried out for my school's play, Oliver, a musical based on the book Oliver Twist.


I put in 9.25 hours at work yesterday. What did you do?

6 Hours of school, another three for tryouts. 9 hours at my school.


What would make a good question to put here?

How did I do in the Try-Outs?


What would be a good answer to question you put as your answer to the last question?

I think I did okay.


-Nuju Metru

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- Yes. I'm crushed. :(


- I put in 13 hours for finals homework - started at 10am, ended at 11pm. :)

- Do you want it to be Christmas break?

- No, I want it to be NEW YEAR'S. 8D



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•No, because we PM so much I hear like everything you would ever blog about. ;3

•It's my dog's birthday! x3


•Do you need a coughdrop

•Yes, several. Preferably Strawberry.



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Are you mad at me for not updating my blog? No, the question should me How made are you. :angry:What's new? My Premiership ran out. ;__________;I put in 9.25 hours at work yesterday. What did you do? Eat Cheez-ItsWhat would make a good question to put here? Lurk moar?What would be a good answer to question you put as your answer to the last question? Needz maor custom
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"What would make a good question to put here?" would make a good question to put here.

"What would make a good question to put here?" would make a good question to put here.

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nothing awesomeemote.gif


Is DX awesome?


Kinda =)

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Are you mad at me for not updating my blog?

Kind of.


What's new?



I put in 9.25 hours at work yesterday. What did you do?

Watched two movies instead of school. :P


What would make a good question to put here?

Windows or Mac?


What would be a good answer to question you put as your answer to the last question?


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1) Nah. A little sad, but ya know, I have better things to angst over.x3

2) Hm...I can't find the password to my online textbook, my fish had babies, this is my first year with finals...and I tried my first pistachio today. It was goooood.

3) I procrastinated.

4) What do you want for Christmas?

5) An iPod or a better camera would be nice, but I'm more likely to get Brisingr and a really nice set of Prismacolor markers, which is aweshum too.=D



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Are you mad at me for not updating my blog?


What's new?

This comment.

I put in 9.25 hours at work yesterday. What did you do?

I put in seven hours of school plus a few more of homework.

What would make a good question to put here?

What would make a good answer to put here?

What would be a good answer to question you put as your answer to the last question?

What would be a good question for the answer I put as my question to the last answer?

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Are you mad at me for not updating my blog? Are you mad at me for doing the Tuesday Five on Wednesday?

What's new? Shplargle.

I put in 9.25 hours at work yesterday. What did you do? 8.5 hours at work, then had to clean my room/basement.

What would make a good question to put here? What?

What would be a good answer to question you put as your answer to the last question? This.

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Are you mad at me for not updating my blog? Incredibly! Just kidding Dokky. I forgot to check your blog out for... like... ever. Even though you're like the coolest person I've met over the internets. My internets are broken though, if it makes a slightly better excuse. But anyway, being as I had several entries to catch up on, I didn't mind your complete lack of updates since the day you posted this one.


What's new? My internets are broke, I just got off of work, and my mom is back home after her 5 weeks of cancer radiation. Yay! :3


I put in 9.25 hours at work yesterday. What did you do? Sat around for the first time in several weeks. I did work today, however, but I just work for my dad since I live in the boonies. I put in a good 5 hours or so on that. I washed barns the week before that, too. So there.


What would make a good question to put here? How madly do you love me?


What would be a good answer to question you put as your answer to the last question? Excessively, but not as much as Dokky loves me. Or Green Tee. or TMD. Or Spitty. Or CoreDimension (but if you replaced Dimension with 2 you would get me). Or Exo. Or Exo Again. Or Sunny his over-the-internet pretend wife. Or... Oh, carp, I'm unimportant now that I think about it...


~Intel Pentium Core2 Processor~
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