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Reidak Is A Happy Meal Piraka



I dropped by a local McDonalds today and bought meself a Lego Toy. That, and a large thing of fries. (Sure, all their food is pretty bad for you, but I couldn’t resist.) Anyway, I asked to buy one of the toys (preferably Nuparu) but all they had was Reidak and Hahli. So, knowing how I don’t like Hahli, I went for Reidak. It’s an interesting toy, and I thought I would make a quick review.




The Looks: In general, he looks pretty much like our favorite black Piraka. Everything is sort of in a block form, but the basic design is correct. Although the shapes are off, the fine detail in the plastic is quite remarkable… I can see the design of Reidak’s hand holding not his weapon. The legs, arms, body, and head are relatively accurate to the set is design. The colors are kind a off… his limps are pure black, his claw/toes are grey, and his body/weapons are a dull gold/brown color. But the zamour is still lime green.


The Pose: This was what got me worried at first. Were these toys going to be slightly pose-able or just solid chunks of plastic? I didn’t expect anything like the set, but I was wondering. Luckily, there is movement. The legs and arms all move in a slight circle. No, it’s not much, but it’s enough to give him a few poses.


The Abilities: Reidak doesn’t have a launcher, but he does have a spring loaded saw (I think it’s spring loaded… it’s not battery powered, at least). With the press of a button, his saw goes spinning… that’s something the set didn’t do! Not half bad. In addition to that, the eyes have some sort of reflector that allows them to glow slightly in normal lighting. It’s a lot like how the Toa Mata’s eyes worked, and I approve. The teeth, as with the set, glow in the dark. But they’re kinda small, so it’s not that much of a glow.


The Price: Well, the large fries were $1.90 or something, and the total amount was $4.05, plus some tax, I suppose. I’m guessing the toy was about $1.50 or something close… didn’t actually get the exact price. It was more than $1, I’m sure. In the end, was it worth it? In my opinion, no. I just had to go out and get one of those toys, just to be with the in-crowd on BZP. :P But, unless you’re a little tyke who is getting a Happy Meal, they’re not worth the 30 minute drive and the four bucks (the fries were, though). A couple of these things would make an interesting battle, but if you have the real sets, don’t bother. I got ‘em for their collect ability… I expect to have it sit on a shelf next to the real Reidak. And if the two ever fight… I think the one with the larger feet will win, despite the spinning saw.


I’m probably not going to get any more… but if I happen to be in the area and they have a Nuparu one, I might be tempted. Then again, I might not have the money…




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