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What Would Scooby Do?

Spoony Bard


Tonight from 9-11 PM we were at the Belchertown State School in Belchertown, MA. For those of you who don't know this place, it used to be a learning facility for the mentally ill, mainly kids. Basically the faculty and staff were "abusive" upon the kids. The public became known of this when a woman was killed. The place shut down around 1992. This place has been labeled as one of the most haunted places in New England.


I been to this place last year. basically walked around the area for a bit. Only thing I was aware of was a little girl giggling off in the distance.


But tonight things were different. I was in the early hours, so nothing to freaky as I wanted. The four of us split up into 2 groups, and we all had walkie talkies. We walked around and checked for opened buildings (cuz they are all boarded up). We had nothing. So after that all four us decided to join up and look around together. We found a few opened doors, so we investigated the buildings. First one happened to be classrooms. I snapped a few pics, and got one with a "spirit orb". Pic is here. Nothing was wrong with my lends or camera, cuz I checked my camera before and after taking the pics. That was pretty much it for there.


Then we walked around more in the buildings. One building, not sure what it was, but thats where I caught my second spirit. In this area, it was hot, like muggy hot. But my friend noticed a drop in temperature, which I noticed seconds later. This was a good sign for me to take a pic. Spirit is located on the stairs, faintly.

Then we left cuz the place had a bad aura to it.


Next building happened to be the dormitories. Nothing spooky here, except for the fact the building caught on fire in the past, and will actually burn on the night it caught fire during a full moon. It has been seen doing that before.


So we got bored, and decided to walk to the baseball field. As we were walking, my walkie talkie started freaking out, making noises and stuff. Reason why this freaked me out cuz my walkie talkie was turned off when we all grouped up together. As we kept walking, I also heard a woman scream off in the distance. The others didn't notice cuz they were busy yapping.


So we left, cuz they wanted too. I wanted to stay, cuz the better stuff happens after midnight. We will return, plus we will be checking out an insane asylum in another town.


Whether you guys believe this or not, that entirely up to you.





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Odd, I didn't get an e-mail about this one, Odd.


Anyway, I have reason to believe that pic #1 was either some sort of trick with the light or some sort of lensflare.


#2: Can't really see amything.

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I don't see anything in the pictures, but I did notice some smudge marks on my computer screen. Thanks for that at least. :D


Anyway, too bad you didn't have the fun you wanted. Better luck next time ghost hunter.


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Odd, I didn't get an e-mail about this one, Odd.


Anyway, I have reason to believe that pic #1 was either some sort of trick with the light or some sort of lensflare.


#2: Can't really see amything.

#2, you can see the faint glow on the stairs. It is round.




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Dude. You should send this stuff into TAPS. And I recommend, if you haven't already, you watch that show on Sci-Fi, Ghost Hunters. They do this stuff all the time, and they often find some weird stuff.


That first one may be a catch of the light (what light, I dunno), but I do see the thingy in the second. Freaky... o.O

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Dude, that's creepy.


That thing in the second pic looks like an evil, transparent clock... Thing. Seriously. :fear:


At least there weren't any evil flesh-eating zombie demon monsters or anything.


Geeeeh. :lookaround:



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