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MT Zehvor


Finally, after dealing with temperatures nearing 0, freezing cold wind and rain, and everything else unpleasant that winter usually brings, the first snow is here! It probably won't stick, so I'll have to go to school tomorrow, but it was fun while it lasted.



It's a Buh Snow Angel!


Or, at least, was fun for everyone but Tahu. He didn't like it very much.


How about you? Have any of you guys had snow yet? (other than Rahkshiking, he lives in Hawaii)



No. Quests for Household domination don't get snow breaks either




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Lucky person. Honestly, I hate living in Georgia. It gets cold, windy, and, well, really cold, but it snows like once per year.


I was born in Maryland, so it feels like something's missing when winter comes around each year. Another reason why I hate living here.


But enough about me. Others, comments, questions, or possibly wanting to join Tuma on his quest for household domination.


Two more snow pics:


They're having a great time



And, well, he's not



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Wanna know something?



Snow lasts six months without leaving, and last year we had -50 degrees celcius.



No, i've lived in that weather all my life, i hate it.

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Honestly, ------, California, is a total rut. In all of the cities around us, including Palm Springs, there was minor snow. But guess what? We, and out neighbour town, ----------, Arizona, got no snow. And the last time we had it was like, 1942 or something.


But at least we don't get earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods from the Colorado River (at least, not since Parker Dam was built), or any other natural disasters. Except for hail. Oh wait, that was in Quartzite....


We're iceless.


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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At least you never get any bad weather...stupid temperature won't get above 35 now(that's the high). And no snow. This sucks.


Honestly, my favorite place in California would be Palo Alto. Always warm. San Francisco is always 50 degrees or something. And LA and SD get cold sometimes too...



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Oh, and we had up to five feet of snow one year... we normaly get around two feet that lasts all winter... and i have to shovel that.


Well, at least you found a way to kill time... ;)



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No.. i'd rather sit in front of my fireplace or computer... or X-Box... cause if you lived here... only retarded 8 year olds like the cold... when it's -30 every day and -40 every night

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In the mornings, we have about 36 degrees as our minimum tempature. But what I really want is for this place tosnow. Mainly because I wouldn't have to go to school, and also because my little town is about 50 years away from its last snowing.


Well, at least we don't have tsunamis. But I'm telling you, in the summer, we get all the way up to 120 degrees, and we nearly hit 130 once if I can recall. But if you think your icy tundra is bad, you NEVER should come here in the summer.


But this is a good home to come to in the winter. The locally known "snowbirds" come up from Canada and Washington every year to spend the winter in a warmer place, but go back up in the summer so they don't melt. No offense to anybody here, but it always seems like these people don't know how to drive. Hey Kini, do they not have much traffic in Canada, or are the people who come here just the worst drivers in your entire sub-artic country?


Well, no matter what, life continues. Luckily for me, school starts late every two wednesdays, and I'll be on Independent Study on the second week of February, and if you don't know what that is, it's basically I'll be gone for that time period, but I'll still have to do my schoolwork, and take all the tests when I come back. I always wait till the last minute.


Lets just hope it dosen't rain this year. Reenacting the Middle Ages + Tents + Having to take stuff in + Rain = Oh no....


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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