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Demonic Beginnings Rpg The Post.



~Demonic Beginnings~

-Table of Contents

I- Story
II- Species
III- Factions
IV- Locations
VI- TC's Characters
VII- Character Profile
IX- Fail to follow the rules

X- Extra
XI- Staff


I saw thousands of the monsters. Deadly, dangerous, and vicious they were, tore apart children who cowered in the streets; littering the place in blood and limbs. It was out of a nightmare, and there was nothing that anyone could do about it, any of it. Vampires, at the peak of the war with the Elven kingdom, were utterly decimated by these… these... Demons… it was the worse time… but I do not know why they came about now… there seemed to be no reason, no explanation… no anything! People blame our Emperor… everyone blames him… but he’s dead, all of the royal family are dead… all of the people are now dead, and the survivors? Yeah, we were shoved out to sea, to get away from these horrific beasts from The Nightmare Realm.

Sea… it sucks to say the least, being stuck on a ship with humans and harpies will make you think that way. The illnesses ended up killing off… pretty much all of the harpies, which was considered a plus… to the humans for some reason. They never liked the harpies, no matter how hard the harpies tried to get on their good side. Now, they’re nearly extinct. I got sick a few times, and the quarters were horrid to get sick in… then everyone got sick, and then people would vomit and the place would just… it’d suck.

Then a continent was found, separate from the Demons’ territory, and we had a chance to live in peace, and prosper as we were created to. And that is what we did, and continue to do.

~Denar of the Vampires

That was a thousand years ago, nearly on the dot. Now the Demonic beings who have stayed holed up in their continent have begun to seem... unsettled. Creatures of... who knows what, have been found within the city of Troan, the main city where all things really go on. Though, these creatures are generally taken care of the the End, the vicious assassins they are.

There are many sides to this war, the war that will rip apart practically everything that one would end up loving, or even like. People have died, and continue to die, but nothing involving the mobilizing or armies has happened. Nothing beyond the End, and some scattered Harpies, have tried to stop these things, since most people do not own the abilities needed to accomplish such a feat.

There are mages, wizards, elves, Harpies, humans, and all those fun creatures within this RPG, and within this story. It will inevitably be your choice of where to go, where to start, and how to go about your own story, the way you see everything happen, through your perspective.

Though, which faction will you join up with?

Why don't we see the choices (These are just explaining the species, so you can compare them before picking a faction);


Harpies; They are a species, yes, but have their own independent ecosystem as well as land area. They live separate from the humans, several miles to the North, where the area is generally pretty cold and quite rocky. They have an entire city built through the canyons and valleys of the mountains, and yes, it is all one huge city thatis interconnected with eachother via airships, as well as boats, since there are underground rivers and the like that run from place to place and provide the people with water.

They have classes, and different types of Harpies, all of which are at different levels of wisdom and respect. This is from highest to lowest.

-Harpy Mystics: These are all females, since they're the only ones known to have the proper amount of energy, and are generally considered peaceful among many, and so deal with the large problems that the Harpy people may be confronted with. They were elaborate robes and garb, and have blue colored skin, which is what signifies them being a Mystic or not. Incredible magic is contained within them, enough to nearly match an Anazt in some senses, but that would make sense considering how the Harpies came into being. They are beautiful as well, and also own silver colored eyes, which seems to reflect everything, and yet have a general warm and calculating look.

-Supreme Commander: The Supreme Commander has all says in what goes on with the Troops, as well as the Harpy Priests. Being at this rank, the Supreme Commander is able to use any form of magic, though is under the Mystics in the sense of power, and has command over all the Harpy Priests, who are explained below. The current Supreme Commander is Vai'Ka. And yes, Supreme Commanders get the "'Ka" add on to show that they are to be respected, respected highly.

-Harpy Priests: They are not Priests in the sense of things related to gods and the like, rather they are considered to be elite soldiers. Unlike regular soldiers, they are given the power over an element, which goes into elemental magic. Fire Priests can use fire in nearly anyway, and can make it do their bidding. They cannot teleport, or do anything that only a Mystic would be able to do, only things related with their element, of which is given to them at the Ceremony, and there hasn't been one of those in quite a while. There are Priests of the following element affiliations; Fire, Earth, Water/Ice (Though, it's called "Ice" since it's considered to be more deadly, and the fact that they're in the cold in the first place), as well as Air. Though Fire Priests are pretty rare, due to the destructive force of that element, not many can be trusted to it. There is currently only one priest per element, Drev'Ka being the one for fire. The suffix "'Ka" is added to all of their names to signify their rank, and how much respect they are to be given.

-Regular Soldiers: These guys follow the orders of the Priests, who follow the orders of the Supreme Commander, who follows the orders of the Mystics. They are the grunts, and are generally put into battles that can kill them. If they prove to be worthy strategists, worthy warriors, and all around respected, then they will be promoted to Priest, but that is very rare to happen, since the standards are quite high, and there is no current need for Priests. They are at the bottom of the military food chain, and yes, the Supreme Commander, Priests and these guys have purple tinged skin. Information on Harpy anatomy is below, further. These guys are also used as a police force occasionally, but then they're called "Enforcers"

-Harpies that have a Job: Be it Father, be it Mother, or be it Merchant. Harpies that have something to give their life a bit of meaning, or a service to the people are held with respect right under the soldiers. It is a due respect, since without them, there would be no stable economy, and things would be thrown into chaos.

-Harpies that are unemployed: They aren't held with much respect at all, rather they can be mocked, and put down unless there is a reason as to otherwise. Of course, it doesn't happen much, rather people just ignore them for the most part.

-Children: They are just kids, still learning, playing and doing whatever they want. Of course, they are held with the respect any kid would, along with discipline, should they wish to go for the army or the like. They have schools and places where they go to learn things, and it functions like any school would.

-Banished Harpies: These are kicked, beat and thrown out of the area due to offenses that warrant it, behavior that warrants it, or for whatever reason that warrants it. They are hated, even among their own people.They are also very well known, since banishings don't go on frequently.

Anatomy of Males: There are some differences between Males and Females in the Harpy species. Males generally have purple colored skin, none ever having had the blue tone that would signify either a female, or someone with the potential to become a Mystic, through years of training that yet no one knows about to a full degree. They are generally a bit taller and a bit more muscular than females are, which is why they are within the army.

They are generally a bit more aggressive about issues, but not all of them are that way, just the basic majority are that way. They have black nails, that come into sharp points, and harpies don't get facial hair, reasons for that are unknown. However, their bones are more fragile than a human's due to the fact that the bone is mostly hollow, so that they can fly with their wings (Wingspan is height x2), and all Harpies generally have bright colored eyes and dark colored hair. There has yet to be a blond harpy to exist, and same goes for a harpy with black or brown eyes. Normally they have colors that range from Green, red, purple, blue, and steel though any other bright colors are existent, such as yellow and pink and all those fun colors.

Anatomy of Females: They are a bit shorter than males, and bit less muscular, but they are far more nimble and agile, the are also pretty fast due to the less amount of muscle that would weigh them down, and are generally very peaceful, unless provoked. They also have black colored nails that come to sharp points (On feet too), as well as black colored wings, like the males.

Harpies, How they live: They live like humans in some ways, though they have other holidays, and some sport designs and tattoos on their bodies from family tradition, while others have trinkets or something that associated them with an individual family. They are peaceful, work together, and barley any ever harm any others. Only Two harpies had been banished, two little girls, but that was because their parent was considered to be a felon of the highest degree due to murder, and their mommy was dead. They were possible troublemakers, and were thought to become as violent as the father, and so they were kicked out. Their current whereabouts are unknown, not that anyone cares.

Kids go to school, adults go to work, Enforcers have a 24/7 job, as well as soldiers and anything above. Their homes are small, and pretty simple, since it's a bit hard to make a home out of stone that functions perfectly and looks utterly beautiful. Furniture is generally just chairs, a table, and a few beds to sleep in. Not all fanceh panceh.

That's all for the Harpies, now on to more of the diverse species;

Nomadic Elves: Nomadic Elves, are, as their name suggests, nomadic. They wander from place to place, just following the line of cities and big areas, and occasionally put on shows, or trade. They are more agressive, quite vicious actually, and are masters of hand to hand combat, but still need to be trained in the art. They have a form of magic that can enhance their weaponry, if you wish to joing up with these guys, you are allowed two spells that enhance weapon abilities, but they must be in the profile to be approved.

They aren't as... complex as the harpies, since they just have a central leader who merely settles disputes and the like, while nearly everyone who is considered a "Warrior" fights with equal power, though they are all generally very agreeable with each other and understand the need for teamwork. The ones under the Warriors are the Apprentices, and all they do is learn from one of the Warriors on how to wield a sword, and are graduated, in a way, to a warrior when they are believed to be ready.

They wear white cloaks, have white hair, and the signature pointed ears and features, though the eyebrows aren't slanted in the obvious fashion. Their eye color is generally focused around hues of blue, but any color is allowed. Though the hair color generally stays like that. They are, as a species, tall, proud, and incredibly nimble, which compliments their sword wielding abilities. The females are a bit shorter than the tall males, but they are just as deadly, in every way. They have a high respect for eachother, and respect humans to a degree since the Humans have created full cities and have been kind towards the nomadic elves, and so put on shows and such occasionally for their viewing, as a "Thanks" in some ways.

Forest Elves: They live in the forests, and carry ranged weapons versus close ranged weapons. They have magic that can perfectly meld them with nature, be it trees, bushes, the ground, anything. They have green skin, and much more slanted and pointed features than the Nomadic elves. Their hair is generally leaves, or flower petals, or something relating to nature in that way, and their bodies are linked with nature to the point where they can feel what the trees can feel, and know exactly how many of what are where in the forest. They believe the trees to be powerful forces, and so protect them with dear life.

Of course, even they have to learn. And that happens through a series of trainings, and a Master is assigned to a group of students in order to prepare them for the Forest Guard.

They're scattered, but live in huts that are suspended high in the trees, and made out of natural materials, as is their clothes. They do not go outside of their forest for any reason, since it is their haven and home, though that can change over time. Their homes blend in with the trees and such, incredibly well, and are nearly impossible to see.

Vampires: Sound cool don't they? But don't get these guys completely confused with the ones that you hear about in Myths. The Vampires are small, since nearly all were killed when the Demons attacked, and they have their own set of stories about that night, most involving a Vampire named Denar, and one named Vrax, who supposedly released these monsters. Vampires respect one another, and stay relatively quiet and hidden among society. They wear dull colored clothing, mostly, and most wear gray cloaks, with the hood up whenever possible. They have fangs, on the upper row of teeth, and have slits for pupils, along with pointed ears, more to resemble that of a bat, and are incredibly dangerous in hand to hand combat, they generally rival the Nomadic Elves when it comes to hand to hand. Only one has any magic ability, and the name of the individual is unknown, but the being is revered and has been appointed leader of the small clan.

They have enhanced strength, sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch, as well as incredible speed and agility, though they can be matched by other beings, but they also don't attack unless provoked into it. They take their secrecy very seriously, and will kill anyone who blows their cover, or is traitorous.

Humans: They are in control of most of the Continent, generally right down the middle, and use air ships, and normal sea faring ships in order to transfer supplies from one area to another. Air ships are basically giant blimps, with fins and such mounted on the outside to control the air waves, and so it can be pushed in certain directions. War Air Ships are equipped with a poison spray, which kills on contact, as well as any form of bomb that can be created. They're pretty dangerous.

The human cities are large, and created with buildings of various sizes, one huge black colored building juts up from the center of the middle of the main city, Troan, and is where the King, Queen, and royal family stay. It is heavily guarded, and has loads of human enchantments on it in order to keep out enemies. Humans have crime, and aren't as closely weaved together as the Harpies are, due to sheer number and conflicting views on some matters, as well as being a bit greedy, and a bit more self centered. However, groups like the End have been constructed to assassinate problems, and kill other problems. They're dangerous, incredibly dangerous to the point that even other species fear that particular group.

The Humans also own a normal Army, where special training is not required and is for any commoner to join. They are fully alligned with the King, and will do nothing to displease of their lord. The ranking system, and more details will be talked about in the individual factions.

Anazts: Lesser Demons: They do not currently have a set ruling or government within the continent that houses the humans and other species. They're job is to gather intelligence on the current goings ons of the species within this region, so appearances that look like the species would be ideal in order to stay under the radar. The reasons for this intelligence want is still unknown, though it is clear that the Anazts, the full "Demons" want this information for future plans.

You get three magic abilities, within reason and have to be approved beforehand, as well as three abilities that go into things like; Combat, People relations, Knowledge, Specializes in ___, etc...

They can look however you wish, since they are very diverse in appearances.


Rogues: They do exist, and they have no faction. These are the people who do things the way they want, and can range from dangerous individuals, to forms of crime lords. Though, going against the law may end up with the End, or Kingdom on your back. There are plenty of things to watch out for, be careful.

Human Kingdom: The King's Army, made up of soldiers, archers, cavalry, poisonists, scientists, engineers, and basically any class of unit there is to be. They are the main fighting force for the human king, and will do anything to defend their lord. Dangerous they are, with their battering rams and Airships, along with their Catapults that can chuck tanks of gases and poisons that can kill their enemy on the spot. They have ranks, and this is what they are;

Private - Standard soldier, if you are a regular soldier, you can have either a Mace, Longsword, or Short sword and shield. You wear silver armor, with weak chainmail underneath, since the finest quality is reserved for the finest soldiers. Take orders, or die.

Sergeant - In control of small groups of soldiers with small jobs, generally gate keeping or law enforcement half the time. Pretty boring, but will be called to action if needed.

Lieutenant (Yes, just lieutenant) - They are the privates of the Officers, and are the ones who generally accompany Sergeants, or larger groups of soldiers on assignments, and such. They can yell at Sergeants, and give out petty orders, such as "Clean your armor" and "No" to questions asked to them.

Captain - Captains are put in charge of generally 20 or so soldiers, and have a three liuentenants under them, as well as a few Sergeants in order to keep everything in working order, the Captain gives out bigger orders towards his troops, and has the authority to smack a lieutenant upside the head if they act out of line. They love that freedom.

- Majors are generally kept with the Colonels in the offices, taking care of papers and the like as well as givng out requests that Captains may have for the Generals. The Majors have boring jobs, but they don't complain. When in battle, they assume control of a Captain's group, as well as the Captain, and give out orders. That generally only happens when it has to, like in emergencies.

Colonel - More paperwork, and do have denying ability on some issues and matters. They tend to go to camps and such that contain a large amount of soldiers in order to keep order and make sure that everyone is following regulations. The can be nice, or very cruel. Though, the cruel ones are not liked among the men, even though they fear a ticked Colonel. They can demote, with reasons, and an approval stamp on it from a General.

Brigadier General - Lesser General, and can assume command of any number of soldiers, they are highly experienced, and very deadly within combat. Some say that Generals know a form of magic.

Major General - A higher General, about halfway to a full blown General and General of the Army, but not quite there yet. They can take command from a Brigadier, if needed. All Generals have demoting abilities, as long as it is approved by the Gener of the Army.

General - Can take command of things without full permission, and has access to a lot more things than the lesser Generals. very dangerous, knows forms of magic, and are incredibly skilled warriors in general (Pun not intended)

General of the Army - The highest Authority in the Faction, they are highly skilled in magic and fighting, and there is only one.

You can earn ranks, and can be demoted from them, depending on character abilities and actions, as well as a player's actions and abilities. (Only Human)

Harpy Empire: The ranks to this Army were described in the species section, but since they pertain to the actual faction of the species itself, they'll be reposted here. Yes, players can be promoted into these, though Mystics will never be players, since the process to get to that stance is long, hard, and requires abnormal qualities within the being. Go through the actual normal militar, and perhaps, one day, you'll find yourself as a Supreme Commander. (This is just copied and pasted, if you do not wish to reread, skip down to the next bit of information)

-Harpy Mystics: These are all females, since they're the only ones known to have the proper amount of energy, and are generally considered peaceful among many, and so deal with the large problems that the Harpy people may be confronted with. They were elaborate robes and garb, and have blue colored skin, which is what signifies them being a Mystic or not. Incredible magic is contained within them, enough to nearly match an Anazt in some senses, but that would make sense considering how the Harpies came into being. They are beautiful as well, and also own silver colored eyes, which seems to reflect everything, and yet have a general warm and calculating look.

-Supreme Commander: The Supreme Commander has all says in what goes on with the Troops, as well as the Harpy Priests. Being at this rank, the Supreme Commander is able to use any form of magic, though is under the Mystics in the sense of power, and has command over all the Harpy Priests, who are explained below. The current Supreme Commander is Vai'Ka. And yes, Supreme Commanders get the "'Ka" add on to show that they are to be respected, respected highly.

-Harpy Priests: They are not Priests in the sense of things related to gods and the like, rather they are considered to be elite soldiers. Unlike regular soldiers, they are given the power over an element, which goes into elemental magic. Fire Priests can use fire in nearly anyway, and can make it do their bidding. They cannot teleport, or do anything that only a Mystic would be able to do, only things related with their element, of which is given to them at the Ceremony, and there hasn't been one of those in quite a while. There are Priests of the following element affiliations; Fire, Earth, Water/Ice (Though, it's called "Ice" since it's considered to be more deadly, and the fact that they're in the cold in the first place), as well as Air. Though Fire Priests are pretty rare, due to the destructive force of that element, not many can be trusted to it. There is currently only one priest per element, Drev'Ka being the one for fire. The suffix "'Ka" is added to all of their names to signify their rank, and how much respect they are to be given.

-Regular Soldiers: These guys follow the orders of the Priests, who follow the orders of the Supreme Commander, who follows the orders of the Mystics. They are the grunts, and are generally put into battles that can kill them. If they prove to be worthy strategists, worthy warriors, and all around respected, then they will be promoted to Priest, but that is very rare to happen, since the standards are quite high, and there is no current need for Priests. They are at the bottom of the military food chain, and yes, the Supreme Commander, Priests and these guys have purple tinged skin. Information on Harpy anatomy is below, further. These guys are also used as a police force occasionally, but then they're called "Enforcers"

The control that the soldiers have is determined by how much authority they are given over a certain thing by the Harpy Priest that assigns the job, or duty.

This faction is the Mystic's Army, as well as the Empress'. The Empress is the absolute highest authority among the race, and is incredibly powerful in magic, and was once a Mystic. The Empress is highly unknown about in looks, but her love of her "children" runs deep, and she is not one to sentence one to death willingly. Most of the time things like that are very reluctantly done. (Only Harpies)

Forest Guard: Here, there are two forms of ranks; Students, and Warriors. The students become warriors after training and a test, and several other small things. They must be ready to combat anything, and seem to always be awake. They fiercly guard their forest territory, and will never give up, no matter the cost. They have magic based around nature on their side, but only stay within the forest, never going out. Period. (Only Forest Elves can be part of the faction)

This consists of three ranks:

Student: Knows minor magic, and minor abilities that range from moving a small wind, to feeling an area of fifty feet through the magic that is nature. They learn from a "Master" who are the teachers of the village.

Warrior: Know much more magic, and have many unique, nature related abilities. They have the ability to feel all of the forest, and know what is going on, as well as having an extensive knowledge in the art of war, as well as knowledge in the art of magic.

Master: These are the teachers, but also could be considered a Council of sorts, which decides the political events that go on within the species' living area. They make the rules, everyone is expected to follow them.

Vampire Clan: They have one leader, who's name is not known to all, but his powers are revered to be incredible and deadly. Secretive, and silent they are, never to go out and state that they even exist to the crowds. Never will. They just follow their leader, and do as they wish. They can go where they wish, though normal Vampires do not control magic of any form, they have the bodily enhancements that are listed within their species section. Yes, they can drink blood, any species can do that, but it doesn't add anything special or do anything with odd properties. It's like drinking water. (Only Vampires can join this)

Vampire Clan has no rank system, merely the Leader, and then everyone else. It's how it works, it's how it has been working, and the fact that there aren't enough Vampires to have a rank or military esque system in place.

Anazts: In this faction, the goal is to simply gain intel on the enemies, which is every single other faction listed above, and all listed below. You cannot play as one of the Anazts due to god moderator potential, and I do not like handing out plot characters. You can play as a lesser "Demon" which can have up to three abilities, and two magic abilities. They can look however you wish, but are not to engage with the enemy, unless you wish to be brutally hunted down and killed. (Only lesser demons)

Though, if you do get into well judged fighting things, which involve being useful, advancing ranks isn't far behind. Though, advancing isn't done that formally, and you'll be informed when you advance. No, this does not mean "Go kill a lotta people", not at all, it means "Do a good job, as both a player and a character." in order to receive a promotion. Here's the ranks for these "Demons"

-Lesser Demon: This is pretty much where you start, a Lesser Demon is commanded by all who have the authority to command. These guys are mere grunts, and are still learning how to do things.

-Suboridinates: Not of a commanding rank, though they are more respected than the Lessers, and so are put on more worthwhile missions, and are given more objectives. They cannot match a third rank End, or any powerful users of magic or blades, and so they stay a bit quiet, until they are allowed to have access to such powers.

-Leader: Leaders are allowed to know a bit more magic, and so the perk of this rank is that you get one more magic based ability. They are allowed to "Lead" small squads, nothing more than two others, and they follow orders and accomplish what they are ordered to by the Higher Ups.

-Lower Commander: They get to command a bit more Demons, as in, they can have double what Leaders can have, and they are allowed one extra weapon of choice.

-Commander: Commanders get to command larger groups, as in thrice the size of what Lower Commanders can, and they are allowed to learn an extra magic ability, and receive one weapon that is bladed.

-Lesser General: They're allowed up to two extra magic abilities, as well as they get to have limited control of... pretty much anyone who is not under a higher rank, command wise. They can issue orders and the like, as well as take them from Higher Ups, who will tell them what to do. Some things need to be approved, like demoting a Demon, and there are things that they do not have the authority to do, which is speak with the Anazts, who could also have been considered "Fallen Angels" In some cases, since their primary purpose was at one time a similar role.

-General: They're as high as a normal Demon will ever go, since the "Higher Ups" for these guys are the Anazts themselves. These guys take orders directly from the Anazts, and are allowed to have complete knowledge over a form of magic. (Be it elemental, emotional, illusionary, etc...) and are allowed three weapons of choice, as well as allowed to have a special form of armor which is granted to them by the will of the Anazts.

-Anazt: They're the ones who order the generals, they have complete and utter control of one aspect of the world. There is an Anazt of Decay, an Anazt of Disease, one of Death, and one of Life. There are so many of them, that even they have their own command rank, amongst themselves. Though, no players are thought to even reach this level, and so it'd be tedious to read through a command structure which concerns you not, and is not essential game information.

The End: Assassin group, they were leathers and are highly trained in the art of killing anything and anyone. They know how to combat enemies of all species, even the lesser demons, and have technologies that others do not. They have specially designed goggles that allow End Assassins see the invisible Demon, if they are in an invisible state, and through any illusion. They are silent, they are deadly and are masters in poisons, hand to hand and ranged. However, it takes time to become incredibly amazing, and there are ranks to go through in order to Advance in this faction.

The Supreme Commandant: The strongest and most skilled Assassin in the Faction, is known to be able to kill thousands within a few minutes, due to unknown abilities. Can move faster than the eye of any being can follow, and is one of the most deadly beings out of these factions. Magic, the Supreme Commandant can use any form, and with amazing skill. It takes years to get this good, loads of them.

Sickle - This rank is right under the Supreme Commandant, and these are cloaked beings that hide their faces behind hoods, and wear black colored, silent, armor underneath that. They carry an assortment of weapons, and are trained in the magical arts. They are silent, completely and when they do talk, it sends shivers down the spines of thousands. Their faces are hidden by metal masks, of varying designs. Their gauntlets are bladed, and they are incredibly fast, not as much as the Commandant, but far beyond human level.

Blazer - A Blazer wears a cloak with leather armor underneath, the hood is optional for them, and they are generally deployed on elite missions, or in battle situations. They can use magic at an exceptional level, and are ferocious in combat, and will kill anyone that gets in their way. They have an unknown assortment of weaponry under their cloaks.

Shredder - Shredders carry nearly every blade they can, silent in movements, and wear weak silver colored armor, and white cloaks to signify their status, the leather armor is added in Blazer in order to see how well they can function without the protective suit of armor. They are deadly and know limited magic.

Ripper - Rippers are weaker, unable to use magic, but able to use loads of weapons, though only able to carry up to six. They are silent, and wear cloth instead of protective armors, but it makes them utterly silent, and a bit more intimidating in some senses, since they wear black, and you never know just where they are.

Grunts - This is the lowest rank, which is what you start at. Take orders from superiors, and listen to what you are supposed to do. Fail, you get punished.

Any Traitor to the End will be hunted down and killed, as that is the way of the faction. Blazers are sent after traitors, since they are the most vicous combat wise and need to prove themselves in order to get promoted. Promotions are hard to get in this faction (And the Harpy Empire) due to how little there are, but you can be promoted, though I doubt Sickle or Commandant will be reached within this RPG, unless I find someone worthy enough. (Any Species can join, except for Forest Elves or Lesser Demons)

Nomadic Elves: The information on them is more in the species, since they are no army, and their attacking and grouping is described in there, so scroll up and look there, or the repetitive information may become a hinderance. If you have questions, PM Spink with them.

Those are the factions, and you must start out as either the lowest rank, or a student, or an apprentice depending upon which faction you join. Otherwise people would be too powerful straight off the bat, and I'd rather if it was worked for, rather than just handed out and possibly abused.


-HUMAN (Other species can visit any of these locations, though a human in Veryl is bad, anyone in The Fores is bad, and a Harpy in human territory is considered bad. Nomadic Elves can go anywhere, but The Forest isn't a grand idea)

(There can be Villages and small settlements that Players can create on their own, however keep them close to the main area of civilization and away from other territories that belong to other species, or problems will arise in game about that, Ask for approval if you have a location idea, like a village or small settlement, to make sure that it can work out without problems coming into play, This rule applies to all of the specie locations))

Troan: The capital of the humans, the King and Royal Family live here, and this is the most secured and enforced location by the King's Army. Buildings and homes are everywhere, and the people are generally nicer, due to the law enforcement groups stationed all about.
- End HQ is here
-Royal Building is here
-Generals' Quarters are here

Mirogath: A second human city, though half the size of Troan, and filled with more crime and such. Known for its Taverns as well as the fact that the merchants in the area generally carry anything, that they can get their hands on. Lethal poisons are some things some may have, as well as weaponry. However, if one of the End is caught with illegal property, that will end badly for that individual, as well as any one from any of the factions, except for Lesser Demons, or Rogues.
-A Ship Port is located here
- Several Taverns

Trent: The City of Trent is bustling with activity despite its small size. Air ships are manufactured here, by the humans of the area, and are then sent over to other structures and areas to get armaments, or any other added features. The place is small, and has homes as well a stores, most are family owned.
- Air ship manufacturers are here

-HARPIES (Other species can visit)

Veryl: The Only Harpy city, but it stretches all through the mountains. The Palace for the Empress and Mystics is here, it is a gigantic Ornate building, crafted from magic. There is an underground water system which not only quenches the harpys' thirsts, but also provides boat transportation. Airships are also owned by Harpies (Since flying via back mounted wings is kinda tiring)

-Veryl is the only Harpy location, since it spans the entire territory.
-Empress' Palace is located in the heart of the city
-Several "Schools" and such throughout the city
-Taverns do exist, but they don't carry the type of beverage that humans like, due to the fact that Harpies can't really drink that stuff, due to the fact that it goes right to their head, and just doesn't work. stuff more like waters, or some homemade mixtures would be here.


-The Forest, called by them, simply, Home: This forest contains many secrets, all of which the Forest Elves have access to due to the close realtionship they hold with nature. The settlement is one, and is held within the trees, having homes for people to go to and talk in as well as teach in. It's safer to be up there due to some dangerous folk that could come down below. Though, they are generally not harmed or attacked by animals, or insects for that matter. This is their only location, since they do not venture out of the confines of The Forest.
- Settlement area, located in the treetops

Official Locations may be added as the story progresses.


(Only for me or certified staff to use)

-Brigadier General Brawn
-Supreme Commandant Norgule
-Vampire Leader (Has an actual name, but it isn't yet to be revealed)
-Forest Elf Head, Yirv
-Supreme Commander of the Harpy Priests
-All The Mystics
-The current Sickle
-Several higher up soldiers, who have yet to be named, since they are more for players to be talked to by than actual plot stuff.
-King Numar

These are the main NPCs, that have direct influence to the plot or players. More may be added throughout the game.

VI -Spink's Characters;

-Anavrin - Harpy cast out, located on other continent, and so will not become a central plot purpose yet.
-Vex - Harpy Cast out
-Drev'Ka - Harpy Priest of Fire
-Mevra - Sickle Number 13

Profiles do not accompany my characters due to the things being able to fit in this post with everything else that is here, since they are... pretty big profiles. Though the exist, and I can assure you that the Head of this RPG has approved them. (:P)


(Remove the Parenthisis please)

Username: (Your BZPower Display Name)
Character Name:
Species: (No Anazts)
Rank: (Look at the faction's lowest Rank and go with that, for factions without ranks, you start off as an Apprentice, or as a Student)
Age: (Be reasonable, no toddlers that belong to the End, or are somehow beyond normal intellect)
Appearance: (A description of your character, like weapon, trinkets, bags etc...)
Weaponry: (Be reasonable, only as much as can be carried, though, I will be pretty strict here, we have Bows, Crossbows, Swords, and any form of bladed weapon. Posions are allowed, but count as a weapon. No guns.)
Abilities: (What can your character do differently?)
Powers: (Unlockable for most, but some like the Forest Elves, and Lesser Demons start off with this, these are magic based)
Faction: (Which side are you on? Can be neutral)
History: (What was the life of your character like? How did they wind up where they are?)
Goals: (Any goals that your character may wish to accomplish?)


You will follow these.

1) All BZPower Rules apply to this RPG.
2) Use OOC for Out Of Character and IC for In Character, an example;

IC: The room was dark, incredibly dark, and the only sound could be a deafening scream that felt like it could just rip my mind in half.
(Third Person is, of course, allowed)

OOC: Hey, what's currently going on regarding Assignment A?

3) No god-modding. That is when you overpower yourself and become invincible, or pull weapons out of nowhere that are convenient for the situation. ONLY USE WHAT IS IN YOUR APPROVED PROFILE.
4) Cheese-whizzing, oh how it annoys me. This is when you go from Point A to point C and skip point B. Do not do it, and it does fall under god-modding. (You cannot just go from Troan to Veryl in one post, unless the thing is a huge post that describes the entire journey and all the stops made)
5) NO SPAM. This is just doing and/or saying stupid things that will get you in trouble. Keep it out of the RPG. No talking about Megaman in OOC, make a topic for Megaman if there isn't already one, don't clutter my RPG up with it.
6) DO NOT talk back to staff, especially Spink. However, if you believe that there is an unfair ruling, politely PM me in a civil manner with reasons as to why you believe a judgement was unfair. Don't yell and whine about it, or I will take further action.
7) Respect other players and members, do not assume a Staff's job by reprimanding a member. If you see them make a mistake, just kindly point it out and allow them to be aware that it is a mistake. Just be nice, and play fair.
8) No making huge plot add ins or twists without approval from Story Staff, since I haven't really told anyone the full story for this, and if I ever have some staff for the story I'll have to PM them pretty much everything so they know what will conflict and what will not conflict with the plot.
9) If you are banned, do not post period. Or they will be reported to a Moderator for deletion.
10) You can have up to two characters at one time. Members may be rewarded more if I see them behaving well and not taking advantage of the two.
11) Understand this, if you end up putting your character into a life threatening situation that is impossible to get out of alive, your character will die. If you attack a Sickle when you're at a low rank, or a rank that just wouldn't be able to handle one of them, and end up doing stupid attacks and have no sense of tact to your battle, then the Sickle will kill you. So please, do realistic things that make sense, rather than trying to tear down a hierarchy by walking through the front door with a sword. You can create your own little faction to try, but it most likely won't succeed, unless the character you wish to kill has gone through its needed purposes.
12) Factions, and how to make them. If you want to make a Faction, you'll need three other Players to be in on it, you'll need a purpose, a location, and how you function. You need to list your enemies, and you need to give reason as to why it wouldn't be known, or as to why it wouldn't be attacked, due to a possible enemy. Then you must seek the approval of Spink, since Robo doesn't have the plot related things, and it'd have to be overviewed to make sure that it doesn't mess with things.
13) Have fun.


-You will be reprimanded in an OOC post by one of the staff.
-Then, if behavior continues, you will be PM'd about it, and there will be an OOC post about it, again.
-Failure to follow for a third time ends up in demotion and wounding of character. Yes, you can go lower than the lowest rank you see.
-Failure to follow a fourth, and your character will be slain.
-Break it a fifth, and you will be banned.

(These are more based around the bigger rules, not so much the oOC and IC, but if you forget them you will be reminded to use them)


-You can get rewards, such as;
-New weapons
-Extra characters
-Extra abilities
-Extra Powers


Storyline updates will be kept here, such as a short summary of the RPG so far, as well as missions and assignments and some things you can take care of. Will be updated every time a new mission is added.

Current Missions/Things to do;

-Anazts, Lesser Demons: Stay out of the way of the End Assassins, who are currently on the alert and the hint for any beings who seem to be like the Lesser Demons. Stay inconspicuous, observe humans, and their allies. As well as whoever else comes into view. Take down troublesome individuals, such as individuals who will ultimately end up doing things to further the prosperity of the human race. These individuals will be outlined in posts, so that you know who will most likely be these indviduals -- but keep it quiet, and they won't go down without a fight.

-Vampires: Stay low, and out of the way of the End who will be more out, talk amongst yourselves, keep people from getting intermixed in attacks, if necessary, pry an End off of an innocent individual, since the destruction, or harm towards humans is not something that is wanted. If everyone became paranoid, it will end up being much harder to stay in alive in secret. Do as you wish, for the most part.

-Humans: King's Army: Keep the law running smoothly, make sure that any illegal doings, or practices are being dealt with appropriately. Keep the civilians out of the way of the End, since the End don't care who lives or dies during their hunts. Your job is to protect and keep the people under control, do not fail this job. If a Lesser Demon happens to be spotted, engaging is not reccomended, rather, alert others to the presence of the being, and the End will be the ones to take care of it. They are trained in Demon killing, after all.

-The End: Hunt the Lesser Demons, some will be out and about for you to attack and take care of, by driving them away, or killing them. They are by no circumstances allowed to stay within populated areas, and yes, kill anyone or anything that gets in your way.

-Nomadic Elves: Apprentices merely follow the Warriors of the people, who may get drawn into the current Lesser Demon ongoings, or will be able to keep things in moderate control amongst themselves, interact with eachother.

-Forest Elves: Students train with their Master who will be Staff controlled, do not control the Master unless given permission to do so, if there is something you wish to do PM Spink with what it is you wish to do, and he will either approve it, or deny it. Just be reasonable, and yes, NPC students are allowed to be made, for interaction between yourself and another "character" who responds to things the way you wish, just nothing unreasonable. Also, NPCs do not stick around, you cannot control them independently.

-Harpies: Enforce the area, make sure that the citizens are behaving and that no intruders have gotten into your territory. Interact with eachother, further things will be given, just not at this moment in time.

-Neutral: Go and do as you wish, within reason. Check the locations for location ideas.


-Spink - Administrator
-RoboNinja: Moderator.


Recommended Comments

Probably March.


I have to close GoW soon, it's going to be reopened under Trans' name. Then I have to wait thirty days.

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lol, I thought I spotted some errors, but they're gone now. O.o

However, you had two words that got smushed together once (eachother<--Think it was somewhere in the elves or harpy category), but otherwise, it's fine. :D

I have a question though, what species are (allowed) in the End?

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All species are, and my Word accepted the use of "Eachother", and it is in the dictionary as a compound word meaning essentially what the two words separated mean.
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Already part of it, it's just easier that way. Though if someone starts off as neutral they could join The End, though they'd have to go through training procedures and learn how to use the equipment.
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-enter spellcheck mode-

Profile Errors:

Posions are allowed, but count as a weapon.

Poisons, right? :D

And another thing, you mean one weapon per character right?

(Remove the Parenthisis please)



They are more agressive, quite vicious actually, and are masters of hand to hand combat, but still need to be trained in the art.
-Nomadic Elves


Aggressive. ;D

thatis interconnected with eachother


There they are. xD That's found somewhere in the harpy cities description.


Sorry 'bout my spelling dictatorness.

Not really dictator-y.


never mind. -.-;

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:kaukau:It looks good. Mind you, I only have so much stinking time this morning and couldn't read it all, but if I was considering joining then I definitely would, but I'm not going to join because I can hardly keep up with Reality as it is, and I'm trying to squeeze in Amakor in several weeks. However, it looks like you went into good detail on things, which is important.


Anyways, here's what I basically got while reading this: not wanting to be outdone, I definitely need to revamp Amakor's first post.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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Looks like it's getting good remarks ^^


Robo has been added as staff, cuz he's going to manage characters and moderate, basicalleh.

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