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Lets Take A Tally Of Our Worse Fears.

Like the title says we will use this blog to say our worst fears. Here are mine.


DARKNESS. I sleep with three lights on.


Cows. I am scared of beef.. (Madcow!?)


My mother. Two words. MOOD SWINGS.


Cars. I said it. I hate and fear cars.


Sky. You fly in it and can crash..




Mercenus. WHY SO SEROUS? :P


God. He sees EVERYTHING. :fear:


Sarah: She likes to slap people and yell.


Recommended Comments

Taka Nuvia


A place where we tell our fears? Nice idea, my friend...


Then I'll tell ya mine as well:


The End of the world (seriously)


The End of Bzpower (even more seriously)


Death (except if he's a neat Grim Reaper :D )


Being lonely


That anyone I know (and like) dies





I do agree on the fear of darkness and our moms and Taka's fears of the world going and BZP going, but seriously, Merc and Dlakii? Anyways.... my greatest fears are:


1: Pictures unmentionable to BZP.

2: Screamer videos, THEY FREAK ME OUT.

3: Dead pandas. Don't even get me started on this one.

4: My topics dying due to the lack of posters.

5: MY BROTHER. I'm serious, he has some problems.



I know the feeling Khols. Our brothers are like..the same XD



First, my opinions that are different to yours (not being offensive or anything).


Cows. I am scared of beef.=Nice cuppa' tea sir? (AKA not scared)

My Mother. Two Words. MOOD SWINGS.= :???:

Cars=WIN! CARS 2 DA MAX! (as long as they have 4 hybrid engines, solar panels, wind power generators, 8 Turbochargers, 4 Superchargers, 8 No2 ((Otherwise known as Nos)) bottles, is REALLY streamlined and has a top speed of 2000 KPH (((Go work out how many Miles an hour that is yourself.))) and could go through a brick wall without getting damaged) :P

Turaga Dlakii=WIN

Mercenus=Not scary, just too sensible.

God=Sees everything? So what, it's not as if he's going to go around posting everything about us on the net or in the newspaper etc?




The dark, I can live with it, but it takes me HOURS to get to sleep...


Flying, I LOVE planes, and know loads about them, but I get SO scared when it comes to flying.


Losing any of my stuffed toys (or Teddy Bears if you really want to call them that), I've had them since I was born, and I can't sleep without them. ESPECIALLY BB, my blanket.


Death of me and others. No reason needed.

Blae Durian


Strange fears. But wait until I say mine...


COCKROACHES!!! When ever I see one, I something and try to kill it!


My best friend's family. I think they might want to kill me. O_O


My acne. I've had it for years, and it's no matter what, it never gets better!


And, well, that's all I can think of.



Strange fears. But wait until I say mine...


COCKROACHES!!! When ever I see one, I something and try to kill it!


My best friend's family. I think they might want to kill me. O_O


My acne. I've had it for years, and it's no matter what, it never gets better!


And, well, that's all I can think of.


Poor you.. :(

Sharnak the Bohrok Lord


My greatest fear are bees, wasps, hornets, or any insect that flies and has a stinger.


My second are heights.


Gavla, most of the stuff you fear are just minor and strange. Minus the fear of the dark. It's common. I used to fear it, but I realised there is nothing to fear. Plus, I HAVE TO sleep in the dark now. If there is a light I can't sleep.



Strange fears. But wait until I say mine...


COCKROACHES!!! When ever I see one, I something and try to kill it!


My best friend's family. I think they might want to kill me. O_O


My acne. I've had it for years, and it's no matter what, it never gets better!


And, well, that's all I can think of.


I have more pimples than I can count! :P


I used to be afraid of the dark when I was little (because I bumped into stuff), but I'm not now. And I'm afraid of pretty much any insect that crawls, flies, etc.


And I'm afraid of heights. Which is somewhat strange, since I'm six feet tall. :P

Rangan Mercenus


You can't fear me, I'm unfearable!...




Wait, what?


That list is... quite strange, even stranger since some members are on there. O.o





Heights creep me out if I can see the floors beneath me, but not if I'm in a plane or if the building has closed-off floors. o.0
Turaga Dlakii


Muhahahaha... :P

(Seriously, is it the expanded vocabulary that isn't working for me?)

Dave Strider


you forgot me>_<my fears:

1.)horror movies why:simple

2.)my fear of hights why:fall=bad bad=pian pian=me no likey

3.)my brother why:hes in all my nightmares

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