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Lady Kopaka


Had a class of it today, specifically for dissecting.


Lady K goes to class and is =D


Class watches Lady K's excitement and goes D=


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Xenronn then reads blog and goes XP


Then he gets sick and goes "hhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggghhh".


And finally, Xenronn sues the record companies for making 8-tracks so darn easy to trip over, when you're doubling over in fits of sickness.



*hands Lady K half of lawsuit proceeds*



PS: or at least I would, if there had been a lawsuit.

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That's sort of like it was for Dalek when Dalek's class got to watch a medical student dissect a fetal pig. Dalek wanted to hold the brain, but the medical student said no. D=


This just makes it so Dalek can't wait until next year, when Dalek will be taking Biology. =D


Why is Dalek talking in the third person? And without pronouns? O_o

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Guest kopakanuva13


Cap'n thinks dissection is evil D:

Cap'n cries for lil' critters who died for science ;^;

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...Somewhere in the realm of the dead Bionicle characters, Mutran is rubbing his hands together and chuckling...



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Well, in my case during sophmore year it was:


It's dissection day in Biology!


Nukaya goes to class and is D: then almost passes out.


Class is watching Nukaya and goes whuttt....LOL.


Nukaya wants to throw poor dead decapitated bullfrog at classes face. Nukaya does not because she is nice.


Yessiree, sooo glad that I found the one college science class that doesn't involve dissections.

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I is in your Biology class, dissecting your insects. :P


Dissection is quite fun, apparently.


-Exo Malakai



No, no, no, it's "i r in ur bilogly discting ur inscts" :P


I don't like dissection because I'm a bit squemish...but on a happier note, did you get to poke some organs and watch them jiggle? XP

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...Somewhere in the realm of the dead Bionicle characters, Mutran is rubbing his hands together and chuckling...


Your a human Mutran arn't ya.



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This entry made me lul.


Then I went "lolwut" and backed away slowly.


Then I reapproached ye. Then I said, "LK, you're one of the most awesome people I have ever had the honour to be distantly acquaintanced with."



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...Somewhere in the realm of the dead Bionicle characters, Mutran is rubbing his hands together and chuckling...


Your a human Mutran arn't ya.






-Nuju Metru

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...Somewhere in the realm of the dead Bionicle characters, Mutran is rubbing his hands together and chuckling...


Your a human Mutran arn't ya.




Nice one.


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