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Lets Hunt Him Down Now.

BZP MEMBERS! And comic makers. Me LJ, and Mercenus are hunting THIS MEMBER. hunt.png


This is his or her sprite. Now we need this person's screen name. WHY? They stole a kit Merc and LJ made. And thanks to me I found it and reported it to them. Now we need YOUR help to catch them. He or she has also stolin MY strogg and Blade Titan's characters. And backgrounds.


So tell me if you know this person.


EDIT: Someone just went over stuffs with the guy so it's done. He credited us so this hunt is over.


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shun the baIII nub!!111


shun the baIII nub!!111



Lol wut? XD





shun the baIII nub!!111



Lol wut? XD

no u do not copitolize the L in lolwat u gramar nub

Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen


shun the baIII nub!!111



Lol wut? XD

no u do not copitolize the L in lolwat u gramar nub


Takua, come on, know this guy or not?



Turaga Dlakii


Let me get this straight. Rangan and Eljay are going around falsely accusing another poor unfortunate of kit theft, with their only evidence being an enlarged Cheesemore sprite (which, by the way, is NOT their fail "upgrade") hosted on YOUR Brickshelf, Gavla. And, oh yes, they don't even know who the member is, or if he even exists.


Pfeh. Good luck with THAT. :uhuh:





I FOUND IT. I reported it to them. I took a normal chim sprite of him to show what the guy's sprite looked like. THIS AINT ABOUT US. IT's about kit stealing.

Turaga Dlakii




I FOUND IT. I reported it to them. I took a normal chim sprite of him to show what the guy's sprite looked like. THIS AINT ABOUT US. IT's about kit stealing.

Well why don't you know who he is then, hmm?



Get this. The guy DID have comics here. But also somewhere else. And his bshelf/maj acount name is different then here.

Left Handed Moth


I'm leaning more on Dlakii's point of view. But he does look familiar. ><



Well we need all the help we can get. Some people know the sprite (like me. I rememeber someone with a color sprite like that)

Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen




Listen. I saw this for myself. He had CO 2.0. He stole Gavla's poses. He even stole one of Blade Titan's chars! You have NO RIGHT of thinking this is for US. I was told not to let anyone have this kit and guess what? I won't let them. Dlakii, get over this fight with Merc. It is POINTLESS. It gets even more pointless as it goes on! You two fight worse then Tahu and Kopaka! Dlakii, we need your help. Stop fighting and PLEASE start helping.



Blae Durian


At first I thought this could've been Terra Nuva, who has permission to use my stuff, but thankfully it's not.


Now, the guy may not have known Chimoru Omega 2.0 is a private matter, but the STROGG and my stuff? I'll try my best to find him. <_<


By the way, what characters did he steal? This could help me find him.



At first I thought this could've been Terra Nuva, who has permission to use my stuff, but thankfully it's not.


Now, the guy may not have known Chimoru Omega 2.0 is a private matter, but the STROGG and my stuff? I'll try my best to find him. <_<


By the way, what characters did he steal? This could help me find him.



Dang I hate trying to remember how to spell character names.


It was Chockii he took.

Blae Durian


Ok, I checked as many bad looking comic topics as I can, and I didn't find him.


Ok, I checked as many bad looking comic topics as I can, and I didn't find him.



Err..he's not a bad comic maker. THIS GUY HAS SKILLS.


And speak russian

Rangan Mercenus


Dlakii: I didn't even know about this guy till yesterday; it was Gavla who found the kit on brickshelf. Making false accusations against me is just plain ignorant.


Guys, I don't know how to say it... but... aren't you being a bit harsh on this guy?


After all, he may not have a full understanding of the English Language, or have a full understanding of the word "Private", or other English phrases which may mean something else in other languages (Or ay not understand at all).


After all, this is the internet, things get lost in translation far too often, and this may just be the case...


And besides, hunting him down isn't a correct thing to say, since you already have his email, all you have to do is have a peaceful conversation with the guy and give him the situation.


... Oh, and the chimoru Omega 2.0 ordeal may or may not be such a big deal in times ahead ;) .





Well Lj says he has the email so him or me should send it :/



Haku340's solution to everything:

Go sit down with this guy and discuss the whole thing with a nice cup of tea.

Blae Durian


So I looked at tons of terrible comics for nothing?!
Samuel N


Ummmm... You may have.


I know this is not really any of my business.... but Rangan Mercenus has a point. And have you also considered that this person is not even on Bzpower? If you really want to find out who this person is, you might have to hire someone to trace the brickself account, hack onto their personal files, and that would be a breach of the law.


Personally I think that you should talk to a administrator about this problem. :tohu:



Okay, I'm joining in. Google Translate says that


спрайт комиксы


means "sprite comics", so I've been searching that on Google. With "BIONICLE" in there, of course....


I just found something that looks like a pretty high-quality site (the header is a Flash object), but it says my IP-address is blocked from their forums. :annoyed:


Just today Hero100 told me some noob was stealing stuff from my comics and ripping them off. Sometimes he lies about stuff like that to annoye me (he told me a couple days ago that my topic had been locked), but if it was a lie, it was carefully thought out. He said that this member had a ton of Brotto/Yoobye look-a-likes. Also, don't start saying it's not the same person, because the fact that your person may not be a BZP member caused me to think they may be different people. Hero100 told me that he posted some comics here, and everyone said he was ripping off Dark709. He also said that this person posted in my comics, saying they wanted to be a PGS but didn't have enough posts to PM. Hero100 said Pohuaki deleted the post before I could see it. I just searched Artwork III for "Rip off", "Ripoff", and "Dark709", and I found no results that looked like they were from a noobish comic topic by a new member. Also, I'm not sure if new members can create topics if they don't have at least ten posts. So I'm thinking it could be a lie.

Sharnak the Bohrok Lord


Well this guy speaks Russian or German and may not understand things. I found a similar BZPower Bionicle site only that it's in GERMAN OR RUSSIAN. I found the exact comics.




Unless y'all can speak German (or Russian), you can't yell and flame at this guy. :P


To BZPower moderators: Don't ban me. I am not advertising the forum site. I am just showing it to reveal where the source came from.

Blae Durian






He's using MY characters, MY Meta Swords, MY backgrounds, ME, VakamaTK's stuff, VAKAMATK HIMSELF, even Tapika, and a LOT more people, and so much more stolen stuff, AND WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!


Everyone on that forum thinks all of the stuff is his! He gives credit, but it still counts as stolen!








I am going to try to talk to this guy...

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