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Sisen's Amazing List Of Cot Rpgs You Should Join!




With everyone else posting stuff about RPGs in their blogs, I thought I would do something of my own. Here is a list of all the open RPGs in COT. As all of us COT dwellers know, there used to be a list of RPGs but the constant opening and closing was too much of a hassle for the staff to keep it updated. I figured I might as well put the list the RPG Judges use to better use.


Ben 10 – Host:CapN (Jul 28 2008)

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(70 years after Ben had the watch) The Omnitrix was looking for a new owner, it ended up in a cloning machine and made hundreds of clones with 3 aliens in each. People found them, and put the Omnitrix watches on, to find that they can tranform into these 3 aliens, one at a time. People gained power, and wanted more. Some others, rise up, and defend against the bad guys. The only problem is, aliens aren't legal in the world. The government is after you, whether you are bad or good. A number of bad guys have surfaced, Zeno (a Powerful General), Alpha (very mysterious), and Vilgax Jr. (the son of the dead warlord Vilgax. He's taken his position and robot armada.) Recently unfolded, an ancient organization dating back to the beggining of time, the Guardians are a super powerful organization seeking balance in the universe. Fight anywhere!

Break Point – Host:Crimson Jester (Feb 5 2009)

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Since the dawn of time, mankind has known no other home but the tiny, sea-dominated planet known as Aven. Although nothing near the legendary, fictitious human home planet known as 'Earth', humanity has developed in a virtually identical manner as that in the tale.


As time passed, through bitter conflict, and political dominancy, Aven divided itself into six independent nations: the Republic of Dayson, the United Empire, Falkland, Byzantia, Kyrin, and Korr. The nations co-existed quite peacefully, confining conflict to their rightful waters, and generally avoiding each others' affairs.


Shift forward to six years ago: November 5th, 1939. The ever-suspicious United Empire got greedy. Their sweep was fast, and powerful. The Invasion was not unlike a sucker punch, lightning fast, and originating from seemingly nowhere. Aven was hit hard, and within three years, all but the secluded nation of Korr had fallen to the United Empire's iron grip.


The captured nations plead with Korr to act, and repel the UE, but they would have none of it. At least until the war hit home. On May 20th, 1943, four-and-a-half years after the United Empire began to sweep Aven, they invaded, pummeling the naval bases on the North Bay, and eventually invading. Within a month, the entire north shoreline had fallen.


Now, five years later, the war still rages on. Back and forth, with no clear victor the forces of the UE and Korr battle.


Will you commit to you national duty, and enlist in the Korr Armed Forces? Or will you pick up a rifle for the United Empire, and crush Korr once and for all?



The war is in your hands, recruit.

Digimon – Host:Toa Tanma (Jan 11 2009)

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The barrier to the Digital World has been destroyed, and everyone is getting their own Digital Friend. Unfortunetly,

evil tyrants are trying to concour the Digital World, and Earth with their corrupted Digimon. The world is in fear, but the brave have chosen to fight back, or help the Digital Concorers. Now, everyone is trying to stop them, including you! Now, you must choose who's side you're on! There's only one problem, the Digital world is in Eco-Disaster. You will choose to save the 2 worlds, or destroy them.

Fire Emblem – Seized by Chaos – Host:Vakbert (Jul 29 2008)

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The continent of Tellius was thought to be the only land mass to survive the Great Flood caused by Ashunera when the Goddess of Dawn let her emotions go unchecked. However, unknown to the Laguz and Beorc of Tellius, and even Ashunera herself, there was another continent spared from the

floods. On the other side of the planet, the continent of Tairva was quite alive and well.

Much like Tellius (Though exceptionally larger), Tairva was also divided into six kingdoms. These kingdoms were Narraktra, Jharve, Lartas, Miaka, Oden, and Tair. Along with the six kingdoms, to the east of the continent rose an immense mountain range from the sea, and at the back an impossibly large mountain, named Zavan after the explorer who found the region. More about the continents and their features will be discussed below.


Tairva had never had contact with the other continents before the Great Flood, and had never been exposed to their creator, Ashunera. How they came into being and settling on Tairva without the goddess knowing or their knowledge of the goddess, nobody knows. Instead, the people of Tairva worshipped two people who had ascended to godhood by being the first to exist in Tairva. Their names were Erif and Melbem, the goddess of nature and the god of civilization.

For as long as they had remembered, the people of Tairva were raised in peaceful days, and only a small conflict between two nations had ever been recorded. Laguz and Beorc were both treated equally, and had little struggles over their differences. However, behind the scenes, Narraktra and Miaka had been plotting to overthrow and seize every other country. This all came to realization when both countries lashed out at the smallest country, Tair. The country quickly fell to the trained armies of both sides, eliminating the only country that had equal populations of laguz and beorc. Now Oden and Lartas are staying out of the war, where as Jharve stepped in for the name of Tair. The war rages once more, and the continent may be engulfed in chaos.

Fall of the Titans – Host:-Grievous- (Dec 11 2008)

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In the 21st century, anything can happen. Including the gods creating a massive army. The 12 Greek Olmypians, Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes, Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Aphrodite, Athena, Ares, Artemis, Apollo, Hephaestu, and even the Lord of the Dead, Hades, have began to prepare for the Titan Cronus revival. A son of Hades named Michael has betrayed the gods in favour of the Titan, and he has gathered Hellhounds, Serpents and any other Greek Monster harmed with celestial bronze .As Cronus begins to emerge from Tartarus, the gods have created demigods, half god and half mortal with mortal males and females, and have raised an army in the village of Olympus. With several other gods, such as Hercules, Dionysus, Cratus and Helios have also began contributing to the army and training the Half-Bloods. Chiron and other centaurs have trained these beings while they train to hunt down Michael and stop Cronus's revival. With satyrs as advisors and friends, the children of Olympus are ready. But still, every warrior is needed.


Escpecially now. Following the events of Dawn of the Titans, a fearsome group called Chimera emerged and slayed Zeus in cold blood. One by one, the Chimera hunted and destroyed the gods. Now only four remain. Hades, Apollo, Athena, and Cepharus. Poseidon was the final god to die, and in his final breath he passed on the powers and title of God of the Sea to his successor and Champion, Cepharus.

Following this death, Crystal took fury. She cursed her ex-boyfriend, Mike, for slaying her father. She cursed Cronus, for giving Mike such power, and her then she took vengeance. She summoned her own personal army in secret, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Cronus has already been destroyed. How long until Olympus follows?


This time, it is all-out war. Chimeras bloodily tear through Olympian forces while Mykius and his undead servants tear through mortal cities, causing panic among the entire globe. It is no longer a secret. This war will determine the fate of humankind. I just hope that you're ready to bear it.

Heroes Forever – Host:Neon Bird (Jan 18 2009)

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We all imagine ourselves the agents of our destiny, capable of determining our own fate. But have we truly any choice in when we rise, or when we fall, or does a force larger than ourselves bid us our direction. Is it evolution that takes us by the hand, does Science point our way, or is it God who intervenes keeping us safe?

What happens when fate leads us to danger, and ultimately to confrontation?

What happens when fate chooses us for something, something extraordinary? Something more than the routine filling our day to day lives. Some call it Evolution.

Evolutionary feats are being discovered all over the world. This is natural selection. It begins as a single individual born or hatched like every other member of their species. Anonymous. Seemingly ordinary. Except they're not. They carry inside them the genetic code that will take their species to the next evolutionary rung. It's destiny.

There are Heroes all over the globe, just waiting to emerge.

Justice League Unlimited – Host:Captain raven575 (Nov 2 2008)

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The Justice League was founded after the Imperium invasion by the seven heroes who responded to the crisis. The team was reformed after the Thanagarian invasion, (and would be reformed once again into the Justice League Unlimited prior to 2040, but we are not there... yet). The team's headquarters is in a Watchtower above Earth. Originally composed of only Superman, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Green Lanturn (John Stewart), Hawkwoman the Justice League has since grown into an incredibly large organization, members from all over the world. Now, Batman and Wonder Woman have started a Justice League training program for new members.


Players will be able to create their own members, but will all be assigned to the post at the Watchtower. Players will be called out in groups to go out and fight crime in groups, from other super villains, and also large villain organizations. If you want to join, should have a fair knowledge of the DCAU (DC Animated Universe) world, having watched a few episodes of Justice League & Justice League Unlimited, and I recommend for players be familiar with Justice League, The New Batman/ Superman Adventures, Batman Beyond, and Batman: The Animated Series. (These can be found on video websites and info on the DCAU can be found on a certain wiki) I only ask this so you can know what we are talking about.

Kingdom Gaeabionta – Host:Hewkiinuva (Jan 31 2009)

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”Humans have always prided themselves as being the superior beings over most, or all, of the living organisms on Earth. Being able to communicate, to create, to think, reason, logic…the list could be able to go and on. But…what if one could harness the powers of the animals? What if, the humans could attain the abilities of those that it didn’t have? To be able to breathe naturally underwater, to fly in the air without the help of machines, to run with extreme speed over the earth…With DNA in our hands, what could possibly stop us? We would have the powers of all animals. Then, the Homo sapiens may truly rise to their right post: The Supreme Beings of Earth."

-Dr. Horace Maleina

Last Stand – Host:Sisen (Dec 26 2006)

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Reality is like a river. Tributaries of it flow hither and thither like a sycamore pod in a strong gale. Reality is a river, and Events are dams. They plug reality, holding it back until it bursts forth into countless streams. For example, on a far away planet stricken by plague, a voracious virus. In one reality the entire population is wiped out; in another, the inhabitants evolve an immunity and recover their losses; in a third, half the population is mutated by the plague and wage war on the other half. Such is Life. Behold a small, blue-green planet. Called 'Earth' by its inhabitants, it has been overrun by two species from the very nightmares of imagination. The Vampires and the Werewolves. They took this world by storm, destroying any resistance before it knew what it was resisting against. But humans do not die easy. They are known for their adaptability. In this case they have developed strange powers. The ability to control fire, or to move objects with the power of thought...

Law – Host:The Prince (Jan 17 2009)

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The year is 2106. Virtual reality has been created, and a large online gaming server has been created with it. People use this server to let off steam, or do things you couldn’t in reality. Some people work for the law, hunting down hackers or viruses in the server. Some decide to hack the server, either to be more powerful, or to control or destroy the server. Some people don’t care about either, and live normal virtual lives. The most famous criminal, Dark, is in hiding. The most famous law worker, Light, is tasked with finding Dark. These two have had previous fights and have destroyed over $2,000,000 worth of damage. Players will either fight for Dark, Light, or be a civilian.

Marvel – Host:~Shadow Kurahk~ (Nov 20 2008)

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Oh no! Thanos has been summoned by the legendary Mistress Death! He is instructed to locate the almighty Infinity Gems, the six single most powerful items in the universe, and with them create the ultimate INFINITY GAUNTLET, the only more powerful item in the Universe! Thanos must now set out to destroy the bearers of the six gems and bring them forth to Mistress Death, but in secret decides to use the power of the Gauntlet for himself and destroy the Universe! With the heroes hot on his tail, he hides and hides and remains lost among the heroes. What will they do? As Thanos, you will find the Infinity Gems and construct the Infinity Gauntlet, and use the power to destroy the Universe! As heroes pursuing Thanos, you must try to stop him from collecting the Infinity Gems, and if not face him in an almighty battle that will decide the fate of the Universe! As villains, you are either at Thanos' side, helping him defeat the heroes chasing after him or attempting to defeat Thanos yourself and gain the power of the Infinity gauntlet and carry out your own tasks! What will happen next?

Maximum Security – Host:Chronicler of Ko-Koro (Feb 5 2009)

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Welcome to the year 2179. Leaving a war-torn and devastated Earth behind, humanity has expanded to the stars. After spreading out into space, the Coalition of United Planets was formed, with the intention of preventing the corruption and crime that forced them to flee the Earth.

The solution the Coalition came up with was to set aside several uninhabited planets for use as prisons. A small facility on the surface would contain the prisoners and a small force of guards, and automated ships would deposit prisoners and supplies monthly. The reasoning was that if someone managed to break out, they would have no way to get off the planet. Thanks to this system, the Coalition has kept the peace for over fifty years.

At least, that's the official story. The one thing the system hadn't planned for was a mass breakout, and on Prison Colony Theta, that exact thing happened. A group of prisoners managed to rise up against the security detail and took over the facility. The Coalition kept the incident under wraps, believing that although they controlled the prison, they still could not escape. Deliveries of food and prisoners are still made as usual, so as to create the illusion nothing was wrong.

And so, they've managed to keep up the facade, until now. While passing through the area, the luxury cruiser Amaranthine suffered a critical engine failure, and was forced to crash land on Theta. As the only possible way off the planet, the prisoners of the colony are beginning to take an interest in the ship...

Naruto V.4 – Host:Lazok (Jan 27 2009)

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Roughly two years ago, a member then named Omega (now Kopaka-Angel of Ice) opened a Naruto RPG. It thrived for a few months; several members joined and formed a community in the topic. But soon troubles began to arise; flaming between members, lack of respect for the rules, etc. Eventually things escalated to the point that the RPG had to be closed.


Fortunately, we were allowed a second chance, but this time things had to be changed dramatically. So the mods of the old RPG began working exhaustively to improve the RPG. Countless PMs were sent; countless rules were debated. Finally, the work was done, and we were ready. We presented the new and revamped Naruto RPG to BZ.


Unfortunately, one of the mods, and the host of the Naruto RPG ver. 2, Lazok , took his leave from the site, and due to this, the previous incarnation of the RPG had to be closed as well.


The saying goes however, that the 3rd time’s the charm, and we started NRPG 3.0 with high hopes. V.3 didn’t disappoint; with revamped rules to make the RPG more readily accessible, and a more life-filled story, the Naruto RPG continuity was never more successful. However, with our v. 3 host Advent’s computer problems, we were left unable to update the first post, and we knew it was only a matter of time until the RPG got closed again. So rather than let it be closed against our will, we decided to do it on our own terms, and with that we sadly bid v. 3 goodbye.


Luckily, there wasn’t much that had to be changed between v.3 and v.4…a couple of new rules, maybe, a few tweeks in the system here and there. And we were once again ready to continue the Naruto RPG series that was started all that time ago the beginning of the year 2007. But the question stands, as always: Are you ready?

Outbreak: World War – Host: Dr. Alex Humva (Feb 16 2009)

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In 2023, in the Old Reality, war raged in the icy land. Alex and Steven clashed, their life force put into the fight. When Alex’s power went wild, and doomed the reality to a explosion of fire and heat, a hole in reality was formed from Steven’s strike. Forty Outbreakers made it through, the forty being the Offspring and the veterans of the Old War.


The Outbreakers lived in peace for a time in the New Reality which had begun at 2007 when they entered. Soon, the Old Reality Outbreakers were rallied together, and a New Declaration was formed. Two more years passed by, and Alex was enrolled to Sector 51, the old bane of the Outbreakers. Shortly after, the pyro took two Outbreakers, Gabe and Emily, to a base. After a rescue attempt, Alex went nova. He destroyed the surrounding area, and killed millions.


Then the President went public with the Outbreakers. The public was shocked. But they got over their shock, and actually welcomed the Outbreakers. Alex was at the lead of the Human-Outbreaker peace treaty. But not all was well. Many countries did not like the fact that super-powered humans existed in their land. They prepared a swift and quick strike at the Outbreakers within their borders, but Alex managed to get half of the Outbreakers out of the un-friendly nations and put them in nations that were more peaceful to the Outbreakers.


But the blood was spilled, and over a million Outbreakers lost their lives. Alex was furious, but he didn’t strike at the nations.


They made the first move three months later. The Confederation of Nations Against the Un-clean struck against the United Nations, sending the shocks of war through the planet. World War III sparked off, and everyone went running for their guns. Steven regained his powers after his followers broke him out of his brainwashed state. The Outbreaker knew that this war could be used to his gain, and he joined the Confederation, knowing that both human sides would be leveled in the war.


World War III has begun. Two more years have passed, and the Declaration, Alex’s band of Outbreakers, joined the UN. The war has been bloody, and it will continue to be. You must choose your side, and fight to protect or destroy the future of both Humans and Outbreakers.

Panacea – Host:Kumata Nuva: Ace trainer (Mar 3 2009)

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When the universe was but fire and turmoil Four Gods emerged from the chaos. Their power shaped the world; hardening it to rock, filling its crevasses with oceans, forcing plants to sprout from its crust. Content with what they had made, these Four Gods took to rest.


They say that the world of Panacea has been at peace for thousands of years. The Three Great Races of Panacea - Humans, Lich and Valkyrior - have learned to cope with each other's presence and live in harmony.


Then came the day of the Total Double Eclipse. For the Sun to be eclipsed by both of Panacea's Moons is an extremely rare occurrence, one considered an omen of chaos. When darkness fell across the world, a great rupture appeared in the centermost continent and all manner of fearsome beasts began emerging from the planet's core. Thousands died. Trade routes and communications were shattered. Most villages were abandoned as evacuations were made into the capital city of each nation.


When the world settled, the wild monsters had taken to roaming the land. The cities had become Panacea's only bastions of defense - but for how long would that last?

Reality – Host:Robo Devil (Jun 29 2007)

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Whenever and wherever you can imagine, a Reality existed. In side of a Reality is an uncountable number of Dimensions that cannot be reached physically except by crossing ‘Dimension Portals’, which can be found by the thousands throughout a dimension. Within a Dimension are millions of billions of Universes. A single Universe contains billions of Galaxies. A Galaxy contains a thousand (inhabited) Solar Systems. And a Solar System contains 1-50ish (inhabited) planets. In this Reality, all sentient and intelligent life has learned to fly through space and cross the Portals into different Dimensions. Thus, creating a Reality of diversity and crosses of culture and technology where anything is possible. You are an inhabitant of this Reality, and its time to live!

Shadow Strife – Host:Konrad (Nov 4 2008)

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Shadow Strife is basically a medieval RPG with a bit of steampunk to it that takes place during a war between two countries and numerous factions. You can play as one of three factions: The Akorah Army, the Shadow Army, and the CEWST (Explained below) faction. The point of the game is the war. Both sides are trying to conquer the other, except the CEWST is looking for the City of Eternal Winds.


The game takes place during a war between two countries, the nation of Akorah, ruled by King Grollus, and the Land of Shadows. The war started as a third nation, the City of Eternal Winds, broke off from Akorah after they learned how to create simplistic machinery. After a while of their isolation, their technology became so great that they constructed a flying city and were never seen again. Shortly after this occurred, the Land of Shadows, back then known as the Land of Flames, were visited by a being proficient in dark magic who wished to find the City of Eternal Winds and take its war machines for the purpose of conquest. He used his power’s to corrupt the Land of Flames and turn it into the Land of Shadows. The Sorcerer knew he wouldn't be able to conquer the City of Eternal Winds unless he had more resources, so he tried to conquer Akorah, but they were to strong and have been holding their own for the last 100 years.


Because of the war, Akorah has also been looking for the City so that it can use its war machines to end the war. In Akorah, there are a few factions. One is simply the Akorah Military Force, which is the bulk of the army, and the City of Eternal Winds Search Team, or CEWST for short, whose purpose is self-explanatory.

Starcraft – Host:Eva Unit-01 (Dec 16 2008)

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The year is AD 2503. Four years after the events of Starcraft: Brood War, Humanity has spread out far across the galaxy. Emporer Mengsk has reformed the broken Terran dominion into a force again to be feared. Ex-marshall Jim Raynor, once a folk hero as a rebel fighting the confederacy and dominion, is now labeled a terrorist, is low on supplies and on the run. Zeratul, the current leader of the Protoss race, has not been seen in four years, and Kerrigan, the queen of blades, after conquering the galaxy, has pulled most of her horrific zerg back to Char. Just because these players have been quiet, does not mean that their men have, though.


This rpg takes place on the planet of Maltair III. The Dominion has uncovered a large pocket of vespene gas, a valuable resource used to build and run the mighty war machines used by all sides, and is now harvesting it to rebuild their broken fleet. In response, a small detachment of Raynors Raiders, a group of rebels dedicated to overthrowing the dominion and freeing the terran from its oppresive rule, have been sent to steal what they can, and generally wreak havoc with the dominions plans. Because of the Dominions drilling, a sleeping zerg cerebrate, Klent'thol, has awoken, and his horde is thirsty for blood. A recent protoss scout has detected zerg movement under the planet, and a special squad of protoss soldiers has been sent to covertly deal with the threat.

Teen Heroes – Host:-Aelita- (Aug 4 2008)

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The RPG takes place in the fictional city of Lyonu, California. There are three Teenage friends, Rho, Ashley, and Maddy, who are unlike any other- they're parttime superheroes. They formed a group with three other kids- Tony, Rosa, and Kayley, but those three were captured and held for ransom somewhere in Europe. The friends are now looking for any more possible teens with superpowers to assist them, while fighting off the evil threatening the city.

To Save The World – Host:The Power that Is (Oct 29 2007)

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Good always triumphs over evil. It is one of those unwritten laws. And with the Golden Age of Heroism at it's peak, it doesn't seem likely to change. All over the World Super-powered humans are turning their abilities to upholding justice and freedom.

But where there is good, there is evil. Wherever you get SuperHeroes you get SuperVillians. Most insidious of these is Doctor Danger. Recently escaped from Confinement, it is rumoured that he is building an army of SuperVillians, the Coalition of Corruption. In response to this threat, a legion of SuperHeroes, the Leage of Salvation, is coming together. From all over the world, Superbeings gather...the fight will not be easily won...

Already they have foiled one of Doctor Danger's most audacious plans yet. Using the Omega radiation produced by all SuperHeroes and SuperVillians he intended to ignite the Earth's core and blow up the planet! The failure of this plan cost him his life...

But with the Coalition all but collapsed, villiany did not cease. No-one expected it to. Cananda has been taken over by a totalitarian regime, led by the mysterious Ms. Amandine, who is searching for something in the Northern tundra.

No less than two psychic supervillians sprang up, on an old opponent of mentor known as Darkmage, who was defeated in Australia by a band of heroes, and, more recently, the man known as Midnight, who is reforming the Coalition.

But, possibly worst of all, unknown to all, the technopathic supervillian Manchine has brought the head of Doctor Danger back to life! What plan he and his two wards have is unclear.



In this RPG you can join as a Hero or Villian. Will you join your respective team, or run the risk of fighting solo?...





If I missed anyone please give me a PM.


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For a second there I thought there was some amazingly awesome about my RPG 'cuz it made its way to this list. :P
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