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Levacius Vs. Mesonak

MT Zehvor



The site: Boxtus Arena


"Hello, everyone," boomed Tarakavaseargent's voice over the megaphone, "and welcome to Boxtus Arena, where we have a special treat for everyone. The fighting match of the month, so far. Please welcome the utterly horrible and pathetic Levacius and the amazingly awesome Mesonak!!!"


Levacius yelled something back about making it to the Super Battle in TBTTRAH Fighting Competition and Tarakavaseargent not even making it to the Final Four, but Tarakavaseargent ignored him.


"And, to make this fight even more exciting," continued Tarakavaseargent, "we have sidekicks of both Mesonak and Levy that will be fighting alongside their partners. Please welcome....Toa Janex and Orriseeus...Orrisius....how do you say that? Whatever, Omega! Unleash the sidekicks!!!!"


"You know, those two guys back there that kept trash talking."

"Oh, buh them. Oh, well, see...I missed lunch and...."

"You're kidding right?"

Omega shook his head.


Tarakavaseargent turned back to the crowd sitting on the makeshift stands by the arena. "Uh, it seems the two sidekicks have been permanently delayed, so the fight will begin, now!"


Mesonak turned towards his opponent and fired a blast of shadow. Levacius dodged and fired a blast of lightning. Mesonak absorbed the blow and charged towards his opponent. Levacius raised his staff and swung. Mesonak ducked underneath and tackled Levacius to the ground.


Levacius for one, hated sports. Couldn't stand them. So, when he saw someone trying to pull a football move on him, he went absolutely crazy.


"WHY THE **** ARE YOU TRYING TO TACKLE ME?!?!?!" he screamed randomly before kicking Mesonak 10 feet in the air.


Mesonak began waving his arms crazily in the air. As he came down, he collected himself, tucked his head under his arms, and rolled to a safe landing in the box.


He pushed himself into a fighting position and saw the angry Toa of Electrified Tea charging him. At the last possible moment, he swung his staff out and tripped Levacius. The two wrestled on the ground, until Mesonak, who was slightly stronger, gained the advantage and hopped on top of Levacius.


"You...are...defeated!" the shadow warlord grunted, trying to hold down his opponent.

Levacius simply laughed. "You've forgotten already, haven't you?"

Mesonak wondered what he was talking about, and then remembered as the Toa kicked him 10 feet in the air again.


Mesonak flipped in the air and landed, now a little annoyed with Levacius. The Toa didn't seem to be rattled at all, though.


That was about to change.


Mesonak flipped out two panels on his arms and launched a set of firework type weapons in his opponent's direction. When Levacius dodged, Mesonak took aim with his staff and fired off a round of the twilight beam, a beam combining the power of a Toa of Light and the shadow power of a Makuta. Levacius tried to dodge this, but the beam was heat seeking and it knocked him head over heels. He rolled and crashed into the side of the box.


Now neither one was feeling very good.


Levacius pushed himself back up and collected himself. He then realized that Mesonak was nowhere within view. He looked around nervously and backed up against one of the cardboard walls.


The Toa of Electrified Tea heard a battle cry. He whirled around and saw Mesonak leaping off the top of one of the walls with his spear pointed towards Levacius. The Toa wasted no time in reacting, rifling a lighting bolt that shocked Mesonak and sent him flying off course. He crash landed on the other side of the box.


Mesonak grumbled something about how he hated being knocked into the air, and slowly got to his feet. Levacius tried a jumping kick, but Mesonak grabbed his foot and slammed him into the ground. He then tried to cut Levacius' foot off, but Levacius swung his other foot around and tripped up Mesonak. The Shadow Warlord crashed to the ground(again) and launched a vicious kick towards Levacius' head. His foot connected solidly, knocking his opponent unconscious. Mesonak got up, and prepared to finish the Toa off.


But, as he was about to drive his spear into the Toa's heart, a Matoran fan named Vecolity in the stands above slipped on the stairway to the bleachers, and he slid down to metal stairway. He crashed into the scoreboard(don't ask why we have one) and cracked the foundations holding it. He drove his weapons into the stairway, keeping himself from falling, but the scoreboard had no way to stop it's own fall. It teetered for a second, and then collapsed, crashing into the edge of the stands and falling down into the box below.


Mesonak summoned all his might and drove the spear towards Levacius, but stopped as he noticed the huge shadow above him. He looked up, saw the falling scoreboard, and gulped.


The scoreboard crashed onto the Shadow Warlord, knocking him unconscious. And so, the fans watched eagerly for what would be the necessary advantage...


Who would wake up first?




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Oriouss is dead.... MT, you should have them explain the reason that Oriouss was delayed, so I can go crazy on Mesonak in the fight....


You know, really, it's pretty true that I can do that. I'm a very high ranking student in Karate, and can easily take out most guys bigger than me. The truth is, in a fight like this, it's easier than against Ismadeus or such, becuase quite a few tequniques of mine are better against giants than other toa typed beings. Wrist locks, thumb locks, joint locks, knee kicks... my mask could just be used on my wings, and I could dart across the box, taking out all of Mesonaks pressure point areas.


Also, how am I posting if I'm unconciouss? Or Mesonak, for that matter?


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Now Tarakavaseargent, what did your mother tell you about teleporting people to the sun? It's very rude and impolite.... plus, I need that mask to design my ultimate weapon (zaps you and takes mask back err... so MT can have it back)


Not! I have designed the ultimate weapon! It is called the Levacinator Supernator! It is a giant blaster powered by me using lightning on two generators, causing rays of super-lightning to hit five things: The Latto, The Vahi, The Epic Version Reh, The Ignika, and then my cloning machine. The five things will then activate, and their power will drain into a blaster part to fuse to the TM Blaster with some.. upgrades....




Advanced 8-Mask: AHHH!!!!


Levacius: Muah ha ha ha ha!!!




The blaster will be used by focusing the TM blasters ray wth lightning I added in, and cause it to be used for me to combine the masks energy to cause all of the powers to happen at once, or use them for my advantage. And now *blasts lightning*




To test it, I will send the masks to MT! (does that)


It works! And because of the cloning machine, I can clone any being and infuse it with one of these things:





-Sprite (Ignore the screaming Hovoki clone)

-Coke, Pepsi, or Diet Versions (And the screaming XTRM clone)

-or Molten Coffee (And the low coffe levels in the mines)


And now to test it on Mesonak.... (sets blaster to "Teleport")




-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Ane he's E-V-I-L. So... yeah. But then again, I guess with a guy whos personal statment is "You are a cool dude" and has his location listed as "In your face, decomposing your tissue" in the Order, Mesonak couldn't make it much worse.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Second verse, same as the first-:happydance: I'll change my name when I can. I am placing myself in Zehvor, since I am a Toa. I don't need Brenmac's permission! *Looks at MT, who is about to shoot me with a coffee nova blast* Meep.

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