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Before The Play Of Foreplay...

MT Zehvor


I am taking suggestions on some of the roles for Tbttrah Mafia 3: Foreplay. Rahkshiking and I have come up with a lot of the new roles, such as the shade and helios to name a few, but I could still use some suggestions as to what we're going to do.


One thing I was thinking about was dropping the room system. That really doesn't seem to work that well, and no one other than a few villagers (props to Nara for always doing this) seem to do this. Plus the Mafia, SK, and Brotherhood just use lock on usually, so it doesn't really matter.




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The Echo...well, I'm not allowed to say what the Echo does.


There are no villager roles in TBTTRAH 3.


The Helios are the ones who are going after the Darkling and Anti-Toa.



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He was the Anti Toa in Tbttrah Mafia 2. Everyone knows he was. The whole thing was a set up for TBTTRAH Mafia 3. And I haven't picked the Anti-Toa or Darkling for TBTTRAH Mafia 3.



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*Looks at MT, then Coffee Cup, the Mesonak, and then MT again.*


No comment on Mesonaks last comment. And I assure you, I will not be the Anti-Toa. After all, that slimeball was, if you quote TBTTRALR, the worst thing I had ever vacummed up. Seriously, I actually CREATED the Anti-Toa, and both MT and TLhikan finished off with him. Okay, MT formally introduced him, and TLhikan finished him. Chapterwise, I mean. Actually, I was the one who defeated him. I went Nova on him with tea, sending him down the stairs, into Brutaka, and some more stuff before he landed on Omega Turtle.


Omega Turtles cooment: BUUHHH!!!!!!!!


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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