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Giving Back To The Community...



Is a bit misleading. Now don't get me wrong; there's nothing wrong with community service or volunteering your time, but using said phrase is only valid if the community actually gave you something directly or you took something without permission (for shame). How can you realistically give back when you were never given anything in the first place? If you must give back, be sure you give of equal or greater value or as much as you can anyway; otherwise, you might as well not give anything back.


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM


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So I guess the government should be giving back to the community. :P


Does that really qualify since you're not giving back to anyone? Rather a portion of your money that you worked for is taken from you. By working to earn the money, the company is giving back to you.


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM

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xD Yes.


On a more serious note, the community government does indeed give something to the citizens. Take, for an example, the Chamber of Commerce, which helps people with businesses (which in turn give supplies to the people), or the community police department, which (supposedly) provides security. City Hall serves as a meeting point for municipal and government business alike, and the community parks system is a place where anyone can sit or play frisbee, and both are run by community system.


While the phrase "giving back to the community" is something of a misnomer, since we are the community and that phrase literally translates as "giving back to ourselves," the intent behind the phrase is not a farce. Town government does actually do things to help us, and it would only be right for some of us to help out (as if taxes were not enough xD). Besides, helping out and giving service is more a moral statement than a payment.



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This is like someone saying "Would you like some more apple sauce?" and you saying "No, that would be impossible, I never had any to begin with!"


Amusing to those who think this way and humorously annoying to those who don't. :P

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