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Annoying People.



Don't you wish... sometimes... that you could perfectly transplant your feelings into someone who is causing you problems, so they actually understand what they're doing wrong, so they'll finally SHUT UP?!


Perfect empathy! Much more satisfying than PUNCHING THEM IN THE FACE!


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Well, I wish I could feel what other people feel sometime to better understand them and help them. But the reverse to show them how i feel when they go on my nerves is a very good idea.


That's why I guess it is important to talk about stuff that bothers you with those bothering you.

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They does not exactly mean they will have the compassion you expect. They could simply be the negative type, or be malignant and mean harm. :P



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Well, let me see... I've been going to a website recently, where people tell the stories of unfortunate things that have happened to them. And, more often than not, it is the fault of someone else. Be it family, friends, acquaintances, or strangers, a lot of the time the problems are caused by people who simply don't care. I thought the world had a least a bit more sense than that? I mean, Schadenfreude and everything, but still.

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They just want attention, be it in "awesome, dude!" format or "gee ahm soowee for yar thingy." Don't expect anything from them, cuz they'll just want to selfishly complain.


And no, that is just human nature. At that stage, that action makes more sense than toughing it and being a true friend.



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Haha, does that website have to do with a letter and "my life"? I do hope you know how easy it is to make up a sad story and post it on the internet anonymously....


And anyways, sometimes they should just grow a skin. What are words going to do? Break their spine? Yeah okay....


And if it's physical harm, reporting isn't that hard.

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