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Bohrok Kool Contest: Mocs & Art Welcome!




Everybody knows the Bohrok Kal sold horribly. They were clones of the original Bohrok. This is bad. Not everybody hated them, but yeah.

Coincidentally (okay not so much :P) the Bionicle Paracosmos is going to have an opportunity soon to include both the original Bohrok Kal, identical to canon, AND six further-mutated Bohrok Kal. The only guideline I have is that these mutated Kal are larger than normal Bohrok, and each is mutated in a different way.

That's what this contest is all about. Redesign the Bohrok Kal. The winning six entries will be used in upcoming Paracosmos stories, (probably by the end of the next epic, Endless Blue, a short story to take place during that epic, and the epic after that).


1) There are three main categories; MOC, Comp Art, and Drawing. Two winners will (most likely; depending on amounts entered) be chosen from each category.

2) There will be six total winners; one for each of the Bohrok Kal.

3) Each person may win only once, however:

4) You may, for this contest, enter up to six entries. This can be six different Kal, variations on the same Kal, even a generalized design entered with up to six variations (such as different handshields and coloration). You can mix and match, enter multiple categories, whatever -- as long as you have only six maximum entries.

5) The one thing you may NOT do is use the standard Bohrok design.

6) You may enter either new or old MOCs, but this contest won't have separate categories for new vs. old. Same could go for art -- old or new are welcome, doesn't matter.

7) This contest is for the appearance, not the storyline of it. I'll have my own (classified) explanation for the existence of these six different Kal.


1) Aim for larger than the original Bohrok. They don't have to necessarily be titans, though that's cool too, but they should be biggish.

2) Aim for "cool" appearance, whatever that means to you.

3) Scary is good too.

4) Whether you want to keep the silvery appearance is up to you. Anything goes, as long as it is somehow "elite" compared to a normal Bohrok.

How will winners be chosen? Well, two ways. One, Ojhilom and I will arrange the entries in their categories in order from best down, as we deem them. Two, if there are multiple best ones of a single Kal, we will reserve the right to rearrange and possibly even contact the members in question and ask them if we can convert a Kal into a different Kal (if it would fit). We'll try to judge the MOCs and art as objectively as we can, so enter what you like best. :)

Entry Period:

Contest Begins now, ends noon August 3 (a Monday). That's threeish months to enter.

Entry form:

[img=Put entry image URL here]

Member Name: [your name]

Entry Name: [which kal is it?]

Topic Link: [if applicable]

Category: [MOC, Comp Art, or Drawing]


Sig Banner:



Recommended Comments

Very nice idea Bones, but should the revamp retain the original shape and features of the Bohrok?


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If I can get a better scanner, I'll surely enter this. I do assume that we can be as creative as we want? Like... would a somewhat Toa-ish bohrok mutant be allowed [bipedal, not a little ball of joy, but retains most bohrok features such as the shields, and krana compatibility]? I only ask this before I start drawing, but if I don't enter it'd be because of the dreadful scanner I have here ><
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Very nice idea Bones, but should the revamp retain the original shape and features of the Bohrok?

It's totally up to you. As long as you think it works as a "mutant elite Bohrok" (which is what Kal basically are), anything goes. We'll judge by quality of the MOC/art design, not by the original Bohrok design.


If I can get a better scanner, I'll surely enter this. I do assume that we can be as creative as we want? Like... would a somewhat Toa-ish bohrok mutant be allowed [bipedal, not a little ball of joy, but retains most bohrok features such as the shields, and krana compatibility]? I only ask this before I start drawing, but if I don't enter it'd be because of the dreadful scanner I have here ><

Toaish Bohrok mutant is A-OK. A giant multiheaded squid mutant Bohrok would be okay. :P Anything goes, since this will be a random mutation at work. Imagine right now all you know about the Kal is all we knew at the point of that comic scene in the banner; with no idea what they look like, really they could look like anything.


Translation: Yes, you can be as creative as your heart desires. :)

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I built a revamped Kohrok-Kal years ago, though it really wasn't that good. I might rebuild it to take better pictures, and enter just for the heck of it.

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AAAAAAACK! You used K instead of a C!

*washes eyes*

*comes back*

I like the theme. My entering will depend on my laziness levels.

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Sounds cool. I'm so glad that we have months to do it because then I can work on it after my exams :3


I'm gonna keep the ball-form and headbutting functions as best I can...

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Are we allowed to have some sort of "armoured shell" like the Exo-Toa for the regular Bohrok bodies? Also, are Krana supposed to be in the same colour as the original Kal, or are Krana not required at all?


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@ "Exo-Bohrok" -- sure, that's fine. It's bending the "no Bohrok exactness" rule, but bending it enough for me.


@ Krana -- doesn't matter the color or type. You don't need to actually include krana in the MOC if you can't get them to fit in your design; you can just say "pretend there's a krana in there somewhere." If you do include Krana, since we're dealing with random mutation, color differences are plausible.

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So basically, the only requirements are that it has to be bigger than a normal Bohrok and that it has to retain one of the original elements? Awesome. Does the element have to be water, fire, acid etc., any of the Bohrok-Kal powers, or could it be any of the Bohrok powers?

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It's impossible to word this question in a way that won't give away my idea. :P


Okay, my MOC (which is still in an early stage) features a Bohrok Kal...um....'attacking' a Matoran using its Kal power. It's quite a striking feature. Is this okay?

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