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Don't Feed The Plants

ToM Dracone


We're done.


I can't quite believe it.


I also can't quite believe it's been a month and a half since we started this. Our performances were Thursday and Friday, and they went so amazingly. I was so, -so- happy with how the set and lighting looked (both of which were largely my design), and the actors were all great and knew all their lines and had their timing just about perfect. At least eleven people told the directors it was the best show they had ever seen at my school on the first night alone! And I think I agree, if it isn't tooting my own horn to say the set looked a lot better than some of the past ones that I went to did, and of course that all the actors were incredible.


It makes me so happy when the audience erupts into applause immediately after the end. Even if tech work goes largely unthanked, it's just ... so, so gratifying when people love a show.


Celia did a couple of her lighting cues too early, and I felt so sorry for Nick, because again sound stuff went wrong and it wasn't his fault – this time three different people forgot to turn on their mics (the businesspeople in The Meek Shall Inherit, inconveniently), and he couldn't do anything about it. But otherwise everything went really well, even the sound effects, which I had to teach Nick how to use the day before the first show.


I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all this free time now that we're done. I'm sad, really, because aside from the literary magazine, this was the last big thing I'll ever do at my school... having it be over makes me miss working with everyone on it already.



Oh, I should mention what else has gone on in the past few days, too. We opened Thursday night. Then, Friday morning was Strawberry Breakfast, this school tradition we have that supposedly honors the graduating Seniors. Which meant we had to stand around sweltering and squinting in the sun for an hour after waking up too early anyway (while various grades performed various things in front of us). Only a couple of said performances I actually found interesting, but there were doughnuts afterward and my dad got some nice photos.


Friday afternoon, then, we took our AP Latin exam, because the college advisor is stupid and ordered the wrong exam for us (Virgil instead of Catullus/Ovid), so we had to take the right one on the make-up day. And then there was the second evening of Little Shop after that. Followed by a cast party (which was fun) and then I and several other tech people slept over at Watson's again. And then we struck the set and cleaned up the green room on Saturday (after waking up around 10:30 and playing Halo for a while).


So I'm really tired even now. -So- glad it's a long weekend.


Also, welcome back to Le-Wahi!

~ ToM


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Friday afternoon, then, we took our AP Latin exam, because the college advisor is stupid and ordered the wrong exam for us (Virgil instead of Catullus/Ovid), so we had to take the right one on the make-up day.

Wow, that must suck. >_<


Glad to be back Le-Wahi. I was getting cold.


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Man, I kinda wish my school did that version of AP Latin instead of Vergil. Why? Vergil has a habit of ignoring the rules of the language when it suits him. Then again, I doubt that my favorite Catullus Poem would have been part of the curriculum. (Poem 16 FTW)


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